The Last Night...

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

I think he's too big for the crib. 

We are on an apparent mission to traumatize our little boy because we did his first of of pre-school AND his first night in The Big Boy Bed on the same day. Details to come. 

But first…the last night in his nursery:

After rushing around all night trying to sew pillow covers, wash nap mats, and pack the perfect lunch (I  used cookie cutters to make special shaped cheese and rice crispies…big stuff), I stopped in my hair-brained, overwhelmed tracks when I realized that it may possibly be the last night I would get to rock my sweet baby in his nursery.  

Just another example of busy-ness getting in the way of what's truly important in this life!

I made my way to the nursery at oh….2:30am, snapped this photo (of my child in the most uncomfortable position I've ever seen in my life) and then picked him up, and we rocked. 

I hope to always remember the weight of my not-so-small two-year old resting on my not-so-small belly (with his brother kicking like crazy beneath it--his version of "Move it Parker! It's my turn to be rocked!").

I hope to remember the cricket chirping outside and how Parker smelled of Dreft and coconut shampoo.

I hope to remember how exhausted but happy I felt and the prayer that I silently prayed…a prayer for protection and courage as he begins this journey into bigger boyhood.

I hope to remember laying him back down in his bed with a knot in my throat. And I hope to remember silently cursing the door as it groaned its way closed for the 400th time before turning around to notice the peanut butter smeared on the hallway wall :). 

This is a good life! 

1 comment:

  1. Oh yeah he's ready for a big bed ;). I'm currently rocking my 22 month old for nap and I will definitely miss the weight of him on my chest one day when he won't want to rock with me :(.


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