Firstly, I would like to apologize for my lack of personal posts. I know that I originally started this blog to document our house projects AND our personal life, but honestly we have been complete losers lately and have just been hanging around the house when we aren't at work. Well, I actually take that back....we DO have friends and we DO hang out with them fairly often, but I'm horrible at taking pictures at any sort of "outing" with people, mainly because I don't want to be "that girl with the blog and the camera". So for the extreme lack of pictures with people in them....I am sorry. :)
Now that I've gotten my apology out, I would like to continue disappointing those of you who read this for personal posts with a HUGE secret that I've been hiding in my house.
For anyone who reads this blog and knows me personally, you know that I am a self-admitted neat freak. Like bad. Like, to the point that it has annoyed every roommate I've ever had and is often more of a character flaw than anything else. SO, you will be shocked when you find out my secret.
You may either gasp or laugh when you see this picture...choose one or the other:
I KNOW. It's terrible. Bryan keeps calling me Monica because of that one episode of
Friends when Chandler finds her secret junk closet and discovers that she really wasn't the clean freak that he thought she was (that's one of my favorites by the way). Well people, I don't have a junk closet, I have a junk ROOM.
It didn't originally start out this way, but it has been like this since....Christmas.
You are probably thinking, "Why on earth is she showing me this?" Well, after spending the last year looking through blogs and magazines that feature pictures of "perfect" homes, I found myself wanting that form of perfection and wanting it NOW. In the last few months however, I have realized that it's okay to have crap in the's okay for things to not be done, and for things to get messy. It also really annoys me when people act like their whole life is one's is, so I wanted to do my part and show you that I am definitely a part of the "imperfect club".
Now, don't think that I have changed my "neat freak" ways. Just like Monica, I keep the rest of the house pretty clean (90% of the time), and I actually do have future plans to turn the junk room into a craft/office/scrapbook/gift wrap room. BIG plans. Be excited.
Here are some of my inspiration photos (I pulled these LONG ago...and don't remember where they are from):
For now however, the junk room will continue to be the catch-all of the house unless I randomly have the time and energy to tackle it once and for all. Until then, I have slowly been making my way through all of the drawers, bins, and closets in the house to declutter and re-organize (I try to do this every few months....I'm not a fan of junk drawers and messy closets). In fact, I got a whopping 3 trash bags full of clothes to donate just from MY dresser and half of the closet.
This doesn't include the 2 bags that are already out in the garage from the last time I cleaned out the closets almost 2 months ago!
I would also like to wish a pretty belated birthday to my Nanny! She celebrated her birthday last Thursday and of course I forgot to post it! (If you think I'm bad with this, you should see me try to send cards...) I don't know how much she gets to read this at the moment, but if you see this, I love you Nanny and miss you so much and can't wait to see you this summer!!
Ok, random post: complete.