Six and Seven Months

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

If you feel bad for Hayes and his horrid case of eczema…don't worry, I do too. I would not wish it on anyone!

(I am in Colorado and don't have his stats paper from the doctor, so this is just what I remember)

Weight: 18 lbs 3 oz
Length: 28 inches
Head: I think 18 inches?

Milestones: You can sit! You can reach and grab. You rock and scoot everywhere. 

Sleeping: 2-3 naps a day--usually 9:30-11:30 and 3-6. You sleep from about 9 until 5-7am. 

Eating: Every 3.5-4 hours. We nurse 5 times a day. ALSO, we started doing solid food which you really like! Loved cereal, also bananas, squash, and sweet potatoes. Not really a fan of the others though.

Likes: You love riding in the stroller, being outside, nursing, snuggling, playing in your entertainment center, and watching your brother.

Dislikes: Eczema. It's horrible and you scratch everywhere all the time! You also cry after bath time now. 

Favorite Things About You: That you actually like baby food.  Still laid-back and happy!

Memories: Your first Easter was sweet. You and your brother matched and you were completely roll-y and adorable but didn't do much of anything else :). 

For 7 months…

Weight: 18lbs 10oz

Milestones: SO CLOSE to crawling. You rock and rock and can go backwards all over the house but cannot crawl yet. You flip flop everywhere on your belly and have gotten really good at playing with your small toys.

Sleeping: 2 naps, 9:30-11/11:30 and 3-6. We've been doing an earlier bedtime at around 8:30 and you wake up around 6 or 7. 

Eating: Still every 3.5-4 hours. I had moved you to 4 times a day and then your eczema got SO bad that your doctor suspended us from baby food in case of food allergies, so we went back to 5 times a day.  

Likes: Pretty much the same. You are getting more playful with Parker and definitely have an opinion when he is too rough with you. You really want to play with his trains and will even sit and watch his tv shows with him. You have started screeching and yelling and it is absolutely hilarious. 

Dislikes: Eczema. Eczema. Eczema. Your doc upped the strength of an already strong steroid cream for it. I am at a loss most days of what to do. We went to Austin this month and you came home so pathetically sick with an upper respiratory infection and and ear infection (and of course, eczema). Also, Parker has started showing jealousy signs more often (I'm assuming because you have been doing more), and can be really rough with you which you don't like at all! I keep telling him that one day you are doing to hit him back, haha. 

Favorite Things About You: The yelling and screaming you have been doing to try to be included in conversations. We die laughing at it. 

Memories: You had your baby blessing at church and went to the nursery for the first time! So far, so good. All the ladies love you, except that your nursery teacher, Mrs. Rhonda,  says you mostly just stare her down during class.  :) We went to Austin for the state tournament, too. You did really well considering that you were sick. 

1 comment:

  1. Oh my goodness! I'm so sorry you're having to deal with eczema. That sounds awfulor Mama and baby both! He's so precious...those chunky cheeks are just begging to be kissed!


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