My main man (the mini version) and some randoms.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014


I'm supposed to be balancing our bank account, but that tends to make me want to crawl into a corner and cry, so instead I will post pictures of Parker.

He looks so much like Bryan in this picture, it freaks me out!

Kissing Dusty. It's a shame he doesn't have any personality. ;) You can also see a little of the barn doors we put in his big boy room that I PROMISE I will post pictures of one of these days!! We love them.

And here are a few from the night Abby and Luke got engaged.

It rained all day and Parker did not care in the slightest.

Here are some sneaky photos of the actual proposal. Being sneaky without a flash at night is hard!! But I'm glad they have some photos to remember the moment by. I love Abby's girly hand gestures and faces. 

We have a bit of an obsession with her new fiancé. So happy that he will be joining the in-law club. And this girl is on top of things….she already has her dress (!), venue, photographer, florist, and caterer booked! A planner after my own heart. 

Parker did not really have any interest in the big event of the evening, but you better believe he was excited to stay up past bedtime and make s'mores on the patio. His version of a s'more is just a marshmallow on a stick, in case you wanted to know.

With some rainwater on it… YUM.

What did I do for entertainment before I had him to watch? I really have no clue. Oh wait, I think I blogged more, haha!

I just put a roast in the crockpot--new recipe. I found it on Facebook--one of those ones that people share on their walls? I have actually found some GREAT recipes that way!

-Chuck Roast (I think mine's about 2 pounds)
-Packet of Hidden Valley seasoning
-Packet of au jus mix
-Stick of butter
-4-5 pepperconi peppers

I'm a little concerned that you aren't supposed to put water in it--but we will see how it turns out! It's supposed to cook on low 7-8 hours.

I love roast and always have WAY too much of it due to the fact that I cannot resist BOGO sales at the grocery store.

What else…I've been on the mission to find new flats. My shoe wardrobe is seriously lacking and the whole 9 months pregnant thing has reminded me that heels are not my friend at the moment. I really like these two pairs from ASOS but can't pull the trigger on either one.

And I just ordered these leopard flats from Amazon. They are Dr. Scholls. I know, I'm such a brand snob. ;) I justified this purchase because I needed to spend $4 more to get free shipping on something we actually do need… a car seat cover. ;) (Bryan hates my system for justifying purchases.) 

It will be interesting to have a winter newborn---I'm a little nervous actually! I did a ton of research though and it seems this cover will be the best at keeping baby toasty warm….if he ever decides to come out, that is! 

I've been ordering baby things online like a crazy person, but it is SO much easier than wrangling my toddler out in public every day. (Although I still put him through that test of torture several times a week. Today it will be at the grocery store.)

Also….does anyone have a Clarisonic facial cleanser? I've been contemplating what I want for Christmas and am thinking of asking for this. I actually read a lot about them and it seems that the Olay cleanser works just as well based on reviews? I did some research on a few blogs and was honestly just overwhelmed at the amount (and price!) of facial products that a lot of women use. I will not name names, but one girl in particular spends an average of $200 a month just to wash her face! (You better believe I did that math.) She does have beautiful skin though, and I am definitely a little jealous. I think I have missed this part of being a grown-up? Either way, some advice would be  awesome!

Alright….off to Tuesday lunch with the girls. I guess the good ole' bank account will have to wait. Have a wonderful day!


  1. Cute pics! I have a Clairsonic and I actually don't love it. I way overused it at first and it made my pores way bigger. It could just be my skin type because a lot of people love theirs, but if I could do it over I'd get one of the cheaper ones to try!

  2. I have a Clairsonic and love it! I looked on Nordstrom (weekly) because they usually have sells and got mine on sale. I think it's been totally worth it :)

    PS-those are some sweet pics of P!!


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