
Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Healthy Living (I'm Kidding.)

I took this of Parker the other night and just love it. That is Parker in a nutshell. Smile on his face and no pants. 

So, I've been trying all these new things lately. Every few months, one of the "new things" is a healthy/organic kick. I got really extreme about it when Parker was a baby, but, like all my other obsessions, it ended up being short lived and we were all right back to eating poptarts a few months later.

Now though, Mr. Hayes and I have had enough of his eczema, so I'm looking for other outs. I am a horrible eczema mom, by the way. Trimming his nails is like wrangling a foaming animal to the ground so he scratches which makes it so much worse. We have every skin ointment and lotion known to man, and I've tried everything else from coconut oil to a "wet suit" (which involves putting a dripping wet, oiled up baby into a pair of wet much trauma) but we still have really never found a way to keep it all in check (unless I am totally on top of it 24/7, which as previously stated, I am not). SO we are finally attempting to try pulling things out of his diet and add a few supplements. Yep. I don't know if I can do it. This involves things like coconut milk, quinoa and corn pasta, probiotics, and fish oil. And money. Geez. 

I swear I could get on the healthy bandwagon if it wasn't so expensive. And then there's Diet Coke. And pizza. 

We are taking Hayes to get allergy tested this summer before he goes to pre-school in the fall. I've never mentioned this on here, but he had a very scary reaction to peanut butter and/or honey that involved a trip in the ambulance to the emergency room last fall. (Alright, not that scary, but his lips were HUGE. He was fine otherwise, though.) It was an oversight on my part, of course (welcome to being a mother---it's always your fault! shame!), so I'm very interested to see what he doesn't react well to, but for now, we are pulling dairy and I am attempting to do more gluten free things. 

SO. I'm saying all that to ask any eczema mommas who may possibly read this for tips.... Did you change diet? Did you do something else? I would so appreciate it!


ALSO. I saw Jen Hatmaker this morning at chapel and I'm not kidding I was shaking I was so excited. She stood not even 10 feet from me and my friend Kecia is basically friends with her because they walked down the aisle together and talked and prayed together. I MEAN. My father-in-law was all "Go talk to her", (this was after he had a conversation with her), and I was all, "NO. I LOVE HER TOO MUCH. It will all come out stupid." Agh. I don't do well with celebrities. Ask my sister.  

Anyways, I'm going to see her speak tonight (again, I guess) and I am so excited! If you do not know who Jen Hatmaker is, please follow her Facebook and blog now for some good laughs and read her books....they will speak to your soul! She is so good. 

Okay, I'm out of here! Sorry for the short(ish) and random post!


  1. Hi Katy! I've been following you since Parker was born. My 2 kids are pretty much the same age as your 2. My 2nd also has eczema. It is definitely an autoimmune disorder possibly caused by a vaccine/s...yes, I actually said it. I've had to take out gluten and that helped for a while because my daughter didn't like dairy, but she likes it now and her eczema is way worse than ever! I am on my 2nd day of cutting it out and will be getting her allergy tested as well. I will say that once you find the food trigger/s it goes away fast. So, you will absolutely know. I feel for you, but you are on the right track! Good luck and hang in there, mama!

  2. Hi Katy! I've been following you since Parker was born. My 2 kids are pretty much the same age as your 2. My 2nd also has eczema. It is definitely an autoimmune disorder possibly caused by a vaccine/s...yes, I actually said it. I've had to take out gluten and that helped for a while because my daughter didn't like dairy, but she likes it now and her eczema is way worse than ever! I am on my 2nd day of cutting it out and will be getting her allergy tested as well. I will say that once you find the food trigger/s it goes away fast. So, you will absolutely know. I feel for you, but you are on the right track! Good luck and hang in there, mama!


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