
Thursday, September 15, 2016

I'm Blogging!


It's been many months since my eyes have seen this little blogger screen. So much has happened, a lot of it being very, very good, and some of it not so good, but for the the most part we have enjoyed a fun and busy spring and summer with our two little boys and are now anxiously awaiting the arrival of baby sister any minute now. I mean, I wish. Probably more like any week, now. I am nice and large and have taken permanent nighttime residence on the couch in order to get in some precious zzzz's before we add a third kiddo to this crazy mix. Hayes is a big boy in pre-school now and didn't even say goodbye to his mother on his first day, but that's Benjamin Hayes for you. He plays hide and seek, tries to count with his brother, still takes a bottle and snuggles before bed, and sings the tune to the Universal Studios theme song at all times (buuumm-BUM). Parker is riding a bike without training wheels and swimming without floaties and writing letters and telling me stories and saying things like, "Mom, why do keep talking to me all the single time", and constantly reminding me that these years are so short! (Although many of the days are so loooooong!)

I closed my booth, Bryan switched jobs, we bought a mini-van, put our lot on the market (but are now seriously considering keeping it to build on like the original plan).... we've been on a zillion trips and worked on a zillion projects, spent a lot of time with our good friends and our sweet family....and now I'm here, typing. At 12:50 AM. :)

There is something about being huge pregnant that makes me want to blog in a family journal kind of way. I ordered little miss's baby book today and for whatever reason it led me to think about a blog post that the future Katy could be thankful for when she doesn't remember all the crazy and sweet things that are happening right now in our family's little life.

A few thoughts accompanied with phone photos.

1. This child and his big boys ways...(with a paci)

We took what I'm guessing will be our last swim of the season this past Sunday while Bryan's grandmother was in town. Al and Judy had to heat the pool and football was on and my favorite fall candle was burning inside (I got Judy hooked on Country Morning, too). It's a confusing time of the year, but I like it. Parker likes to play "The Color Game", which me and my sisters also played growing up, except for Bryan launches him across the pool instead of just flipping him when the correct color is guessed. Hayes just really wants to be big and jumps in on the side by himself. :)

2.  MOPS started last week and I actually have a picture on my phone! We have such a big group and I am so excited for another great year (and breakfast pizza, HA!) I'm doing crafts again this year but with my friend Alli, who I'm sorry to say has been on her own for 100% of this first craft as I have been scrambling to get everything baby-ready and selling everything in my booth. Thank you, Alli! I love you!

We have been so blessed in the last year with so many new friendships that I'm a bit overwhelmed. I find us going and going and going all the time, which is kind of exhausting for two introverts such as ourselves (I am the type who will be very much "on" at social events but then comes home with the goal of sleeping for a million years or at the very least becoming a hermit for a few weeks), BUT I am so incredibly thankful as this is such an answered prayer. Lubbock has always been very dear to our hearts and very hard to ever consider leaving because of all the relationships we made in college, but now this feeling has expanded tremendously and it makes me so happy that we are surrounded by such a good "family" to raise our children with.

That was a long side-note. It's been on my mind.

3.  Sister has a crib skirt, and still no name. We call her baby sister pretty exclusively right now.

There isn't a sheet on the mattress yet either...working on that. Also, my MIL suggested that I velcro the skirt to the frame and it worked like a charm! We are crossing our fingers that this makes shortening the skirt a lot easier when the time comes to lower the mattress (I'm pretty positive it will).

I hemmed the fabric at 3:00am a few night ago and my mother-in-law ruffled it for me (not at 3:00am as she leads a normal, productive daytime life). I attached it all today while the boys were playing "quietly" in the playroom, and by "quietly" I mean that I heard no less than four crashes from either toys or bodies and a lot of "Raaaaaaaaaawwwwwr!"'s coming from a certain almost 2-year-old. We call Hayes The Destroyer for good reason.

This room is PINK, by the way. I'm not a pink person, but I can't help myself. The more Hayes breaks things and Parker toots and laughs, the girly-er the nursery gets.

4. We have done no less than 50 house projects in the last month, but my favorite is that we had new carpet installed!! Guys. I cannot tell you how much more this makes me enjoy our house. I vacuum at least one room a day now because I cannot help myself and...I LOVE the vacuum lines. Let's be real here.

5.  Another addition to our house is a rocking chair in the living room. It's pretty basic and maybe not very stylish....but very traditional which is what I'm going for anyways so I love it. All 3 children have been rocked numerous times since its arrival. ;)

6. I am so thankful that my parents had me in Mississippi because my mother had no shortage of smocked dresses to outfit me and my sisters in when we were babies....and now she has passed them to my baby girl. I cannot wait! I love all of the trendy moccasins and leggings that little girls are wearing now, but I am still such a sucker for a classic dress or bubble with lots of smocking, scallops, and ruffles. 

Since this little one will be born just in time for the holidays I couldn't help but get her a few festive outfits. (These are the only items her closet lacks right now--she has about 30 other dresses from my mom that can be worn anytime!)

I got her this one for Thanksgiving....

And this one for Christmas (I love a good bubble!)

It has the nativity on it. I mean, COME ON.

7. Now I just need to get something to match for these little hooligans...

I feel like I have so much more to say but I am so tired. I got hair extensions and Bryan is looking at buying rental houses. I'll leave it at that. 

Okay! I'll be back soon! (Hopefully!)

1 comment:

  1. So are you not building a house on a lot anymore?? And are you planning on sharing any home décor posts soon?


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