
Thursday, April 14, 2016

April Evenings

(I wrote this blog last night but and am just now getting around to posting it. Story of my life.)

I was thinking that I should post some photos.

After my last post I started to look through my photos and realized I have ZERO good pictures of the kids in recent months. Agh. The main reason for this is that my precious Rebel clicked its last a few months ago and I don't have the funds to replace it. Thankfully, my super mother-in-law lent me hers (it has turned into an extended borrow...) and I just ordered some new memory cards (all of mine were full and I have an extreme fear of losing photos so I can't ever bring myself to delete them from those pesky little cards) so now I feel I can finally document a bit of our lives.

Does anyone else have anxiety about that?

Anyways, my kids are a mess but I love spring evenings! We have been outside most nights and the weather is absolutely perfect and the roses are blooming and the Haysie just loves to get dirty. It's all good.

I am getting so excited for summer and popsicles and kiddie pool weather. I mean, I'm excited in the aspect that I will like it until I'm too huge and hot to enjoy it anymore, but I digress.

Parker has recently taking to "cleaning" the windows outside, which involves taking the nasty outdoor broom, wetting it down (with the hose that someone taught him to turn on by himself), and wiping it on the windows. Tonight Bryan got him to actually clean them with Windex and I felt like I was receiving an early birthday present.

Bryan is giving the boys baths right now and a very naked Haysie just scampered out and peed on the floor. I haven't moved because Bryan seems to be handling it really well. ;)

-Haysie's words so far:

Uff (Dog)
Ow (Cat)
Maaaaaaa (Or just crying. That is for Mom. Aren't I special.)
Up (for "Down")
Dow ("Up". We are working on this.)
Baboo (Bottle...his favorite word)
Dadoo (Paci)
Day-doo (Thank You)
Hot (always with a blow to whatever is "Hot")
Ight (Light)
Outs (Outside)
Bee (that is a grandpa name)
Pops (that is also a grandpa name)

That's all I can think of right now. He still hasn't learned "No", thank goodness, because I feel that he will be a big user of it once he does. He will shake his head "No" though all the time and also does the "uh-uh" no sound and it is hilarious.

-Bryan and I have been watching the 60's documentary on Netflix and it is SO good if you like that kind of thing.

-I made a 90's country music playlist last week after I got sad while watching the ACM's. Who are these people? (Except for Miranda---my girl! I am also on that Chris Stapleton train.) Anyways, I highly recommend a 90's country playlist. It will make you so happy.

That's all I've got for now! Here's to actually having photos to put in my children's graduation slideshows.


  1. So glad you're back to posting again! I love reading about your sweet family, and yes, 90's country is the way to go! I don't who any of the new artists are either lol. ;)

    1. Aw thanks, Jessica! That makes me happy to read. :) And yes, it is the best by far!

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