
Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Easter, A Recap, and I Need More Coffee


It's been a long while since I've done any sort of personal update on here so I thought today was as good a time as any to do that. Sometimes I attempt to catch up from wherever I left off last, but I don't think that's possible since the last update was definitely more than half a year ago.

I do, however, always appreciate personal posts when I go back through my blog (even though I cringe at the things I have to say in them), mostly because it helps me to remember this fast little phase in our lives, which is spent in a mostly exhausted and busy state (but a happy one, too).

So, here is my 57th attempt to write a little more about our family life.

And there isn't a single good photo, so sorry about that.

(All of my memory cards are also full and I have a terrible fear of losing my photos if I save them to only my's a problem. I have serious anxiety about it as a hard drive of ours froze up with a lot of Parker's baby photos on it. I just can't.)

Alright! So, Easter was last week. It was good, it was fun, and it has started making me a little teary these last fews years as I feel I finally understand the true power behind it and I also see this as prime memory time with my kids which, sadly, is going by way too quickly. When I was little I used to plan out what Easter would be like when I had a family. Definitely one of those little girls.

I have many more photos from Easter on my phone but my memory is full on that too and I can't get it to back up to the computer. #technologystinks

Parker was all about Easter eggs this year, but not so much about Jesus and the Easter story which made me feel a little bit like a failure. We made Resurrection Eggs in MOPS a few years ago and I decided Parker was now old enough to do them. (If you don't know what Resurrection Eggs are, here is a basic summary and tutorial--super cute.) He did alright for the first six, but after that became extremely impatient to dye real eggs (which took about 15,624 hours to boil). So, anyways. Three-year-olds are tricky.

The Easter Bunny also brought the Jesus Storybook Bible with their Easter baskets this year. I have heard so much about this recently and just had to have it. The stories are sweet (although maybe a bit embellished...I think it's to make kids relate more, though). We have the other kids illustrated bible (which every kid in the 90's grew up with) and we have read through I don't know how many times, but this version is definitely more detailed and I just really like it. Anyways--Bryan attempted to read the story of the Crucifixion and the Resurrection during breakfast and both boys did pretty well,  so I will consider that a success.

The boys enjoyed their baskets (if you want to save money, buy tiny baskets! It helps--after five items I couldn't fit anything else) and I was so thankful that the exhausted Easter bunny decided to hide eggs around the living room at the last second, because when Parker woke up he immediately looked in the backyard and said, "Well, I guess the Easter Bunny didn't come..." to which I replied with oh yes he did but he hid your eggs around the house since it's cold outside. Close one. I didn't think he would notice (or know) about that yet.

We were a matching family for church and lunch this year and I, for one, loved it. (Bryan also buzzed his head, which I for one, do not love, but thankfully hair grows back ;) Sorry, babe. I love matching the boys and I LOVED their outfits this year, especially Haysie's. Suspenders and baby sandals are just so good. My blue dress ended up being a happy accident from the clearance rack at Dillard's and Bryan got a new tie from Steinmart which I thought was a nice touch.

We enjoyed service and both boys did okay (we didn't send Hayes to nursery which proved to be as hard as we thought it would be, but we really wanted him to sit with us at least one Sunday of the year).

Lunch and the rest of the afternoon was spent at the Roberts house. The food was delicious (I LOVE deviled eggs) and the company was (as always) great. We even got to see GG (Bryan's grandmother) which was so fun. She is a mom of 4 boys so she loves our little boys and is so good with them. I made lemon rolls (recipe here--this is becoming "The thing that Katy always brings", which is good because they are super easy), corn casserole (thank you Alisha, for the recipe), and buttermilk pie. Yum.

I have learned that I do more prep on Saturday for Easter Sunday than I do on Christmas Eve. With all the washing, ironing, cooking, egg stuffing, etc. I am always pooped at the end of it all. And Bryan even made the pie for me. It's all good though, I love Easter!

Back to the day--the boys did their (final) egg hunt, in which Parker finally got a golden egg which he was so excited about. I don't know who taught him about a golden egg, but I caught him trying to steal one from another boys basket at the MOPS egg hunt and complaining about the lack of them at his school egg hunt.

Side note: There are so many egg hunts and I can only eat so much candy before it becomes a problem. I have no clue how to remedy this? Suggestions? Oh, self control? I don't have that.

Ah, this post is taking forever and now I know why I never blog! I am certain only my Nanny will read this anyways, but that will be worth it. I love my Nanny.

SO-we eventually went home where we FaceTimed  with my parents (witching hour FaceTime calls are always exhausting) and then sent the boys to bed, but not before watching them sneak 15 pieces of candy.

I also put up our pregnancy announcement on Facebook...which I am just now realizing I haven't even put on here! Yes, baby number three is on the way! We are obviously excited and I am almost 15 weeks now....which by the way--- it IS true what they say about third pregnancies--they amount of "showing" that has happened already is a bit ridiculous. To be perfectly candid, the main reason I was anxious to tell this time was so people would just know that I'm pregnant and not that I've been eating way too many cheeseburgers. (Although I do love a good cheeseburger.)

Oh, and I also had a nice little "oops call" that turned into a great chat with my Aunt Kathy! I just love her. Mom #2.

Guys, I was going to say more but I just can't. In the time I've written this Hayes has cried twice, pulled a roll of toilet paper completely off the roll (his favorite pastime), and if I'm understanding correctly now wants his Daddy and some more food. So I must go!

Hope you all are having a great week! April is such a crazy month for us---wish me luck!

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