
Friday, January 20, 2012

25 Weeks

To our baby boy,

You have grown so much in the last few weeks! My pregnancy app on my iPhone (it will be interesting to see if you even know what an iPhone is by the time you read this) says that you are the size of an eggplant! I've honestly never seen a whole eggplant before, but I imagine it's pretty big because I'm getting pretty big. Your dad just loves to comment on that fact! He says (probably more than once a day), "How's my boy? He's getting pretty big!", which is really cute because his voice is already so gentle but there's this excitement in it that I've never heard before. He's so proud of you, and it kind of makes me want to cry just thinking about it.

 I also read that you are finally starting to get some fat on that little body of yours, which makes me happy because there is nothing I love more than chunky babies. You are supposed to weigh about 1 1/2 pounds right now, but I'm betting that you weigh 2 pounds since you surpassed 1 1/2 pounds at our last ultrasound. I'm perfectly okay with that though since your daddy is praying that you will be big and strong to play baseball and football. 

 I know that your dad will be all over you about sports and that you will spend plenty of time with him up at the baseball field (that's what you get when your dad's a coach), but could you please, please, please promise me that you'll hang out with me too? We could read books and play games, and go the park, and the science museum, and camp out in the back yard. I think about doing those types of things with you a lot. Although, I have to admit, I am SO excited to see you in your little t-ball uniform. I can pretty much guarantee that I will be the mom who is overly involved in all of your sports teams. I'm sorry in advance if I embarrass you, but I promise that I will bring good snacks for the team after games to make up for it!

There are only 15 more weeks (more or less) until you will be here! Neither of us can wait! We are in full swing preparing for your arrival and I feel like there is so much more to do than I originally anticipated! I signed us up for child birthing classes this week (to get you out safe and sound) and your Nonnie and Pops are driving into Lubbock today to help us paint and put together your nursery. Everyone loves you so much already, and getting ready for you to actually be here makes my heart happy. We can't wait to meet you!

Your Momma


  1. That was so sweet :) How exciting! You belly is adorable :)

  2. Such a sweet little letter. Love that it feels so much more real with knowing the sex. I can't wait to find out. And your outfit is adorable! Love your socks and boots! :)

  3. Aww, your little man will love reading these when he's older. And you are looking fabulous by the way :)

  4. You look so cute!!! hope you have a wonderful weekend.

  5. Aw, I adore your letters. Seriously...I wonder if our kids will even know what an iPhone is!! funny to think about! Darling as usual :)

  6. you are so cute!! congrats on your pregnancy and she will be here before you know it!!

  7. You look amazing! I love reading your notes to your future little one :)

  8. What a beautiful post. I love this and, wow, you look adorable!! :)


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