
Thursday, January 19, 2012

Pinterest Yellow Cake Recipe and a Question

Happy Thursday! It's almost the weekend again, can you believe it?

So, Bryan turned the big 2-5 last week and we celebrated with lots of presents and my first go at making homemade birthday cake.

I have to say, it was pretty freakin' good. Like good enough that it's already all gone, and there are only two people that live in our house :). (In my defense, I AM eating for two!)

Normally I just make the boxed cake mix, but I really wanted to mark something off of my constantly growing recipe board on Pinterest. I've probably pinned about 400 recipes and have only made 6....can I get an amen, or am I the only one who does that?

I went with this recipe. I won't copy and paste the original since you can just click on the link if you want to see it, but I will say that if you don't have any self-rising flour handy (like me) you can substitute all-purpose flour and add 1.5 tsp baking powder and .5 tsp salt for every cup of flour mixed in and it works just great! Enjoy!

Now, on to my question: Can someone PLEASE give me some pointers on how the heck to get cake out of a cake pan in one piece? Every single layer of this cake left about half of itself in the pan when I was trying to get it out.  Ugh. It was a tasty cake, but not a pretty one.

I tried everything I know--cooking spray, butter, flour, shaking, patting....everything. I even put wax paper on the bottom of the last one and while it worked much better than using nothing at all, it still came out in several pieces. Help, please! Thanks in advance :).

Have any of you tried any Pinterest recipes that turned out to be amazing?? Please share them if you have!

Have a great day!


  1. OH this cake looks delish!! And I know there are ways to get a cake out in one piece...just can't think of them off the top of my head! Haha! But I've tried several Pinterest recipes and always love them!

  2. PLEASE let me know if anyone gives you a good tip for getting the cakes out in one piece!!

  3. Oh my goodness. This looks so good. I only WISH I had some cake right now (10:30 am and snowed in again) Love pinterest recipes. Yet to try any, though! I need to get on that. Happy Thursday, Katy :)

  4. Have you tried coating the cake pan with Crisco?

  5. I spray the pan w/cooking spray and dust on a good bit of flour (bottom & edges. After I take the cake out of the oven, I pop it in the fridge until it's cooled. Then use a spatula or butter knife around the edges and kind of up under the bottom of the cake. Almost always comes out in one piece!

  6. use crisco instead of butter.

  7. They key for me is crisco with a light dusting of flour and making sure that the cake is cool before trying to remove it from the pan!! :)

  8. Are you taking it out too soon or leaving it in too long? Usually there are directions for how long to leave the cake in the actual pan before taking it out.

  9. mabye a pan issue? I use nonstick from pampered chef and butter and flour them?!? Just found your blog today, I have enjoyed looking around! I totally have a million food pins. I am trying to make it through some of them. My favorite so far is this one!
    ~Charla Lane

  10. Parchment paper!!!! It's your new best friend! Just place pan on the paper trace and cut out the circle to fit the pan. Place in pan and you will have absolutely no problem getting that cake out in one piece!


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