
Sunday, January 22, 2012

Our Crib

Helllllllloooooooooo everyone! I hope you all had a great weekend. We spent a VERY busy one with my parents who drove in from Colorado to help us with the nursery. We got a lot done, but more importantly, had a lot of fun. I miss my mom and dad so much it's fact I may have bawled my eyes out on three separate occasions since they left. Oh, pregnancy hormones, why must you torture me?

On a more productive note, we got our cute crib painted! (Among many other secret things that I will show you later.) I bought it off of Craigslist in Denver (which is one reason why my parents made the trip) for $40!! Yeah yeah!

It is SO perfect. I wanted something with simple lines....classic looking, not too bulky. When I came across this baby, I knew it was THE ONE. So here is what is looked like before:

And here is what it looked like after a couple of coats of paint!

Oh MAN, I just love it so much. We foam rolled the whole thing with a quart of Valspar's "Gray Silt". It's got a bit of green in it which I absolutely love and matches the fabrics that we special ordered perfectly (hint hint).

Now the only thing we need to do is replace the black plastic wheels with some antique brass ones. Or something similar.....I haven't decided yet. Oh, and we may have to take the whole thing apart to fit it in the nursery door....HA, whoops :).

Have a happy Monday and a great week. Remember to give your parents a hug if you live close, please!

EDIT: I got a couple of questions from you lovely ladies regarding how we went about painting the crib. My bad for not explaining earlier! I actually didn't sand it at all before painting (mostly because I'm la-zy), and we bought the paint (Valspar Gray Silt) with the primer already mixed in, so we skipped the priming as well. (I don't know if I should be proud or ashamed for being such a slacker.) Aaaaaand, foam rollers are your best friend when painting furniture like this--small for those hard to reach places and no brush strokes! Heck. Yeah. Two coats of paint and it looks great and seems to be holding up really well!


  1. It is beautiful.. and yes, you will have to take it apart. Darn doorways aren't wide enough. :) Been there done that. ;)

  2. Looks awesome! Can't wait to see how the baby's room looks like when you are done :)

  3. The crib looks fantastic! Great work!

  4. Can't wait to see it! I live 9 hours from my parents... good thing my mom comes about once a month!

  5. The crib turned out great!! Love the shade of gray and how it instantly modernizes it! :)

  6. shabby to chic! and gorgeous!! i like the simplicity. the nursery must be gorgeous too!

  7. Thank you all! We are excited to get the rest of the nursery together!

  8. What a wonderful color! I have to say that I'm beyond excited to see more nursery updates!

  9. Great color of the dresser! Can't wait to see the nursery!

  10. The crib is so perfect. I just love its clean and simple lines!

  11. so cute and what a find! Did you sandpaper it at all before painting? Did you have to prime? I've been wanting a painted crib but don't like any of the colors already available. Not having children yet, just planning, haha!

  12. I love the transformation. Cute blog by the way.

  13. Great paint job! Just be careful with buying cribs off craigslist... make sure there are no recalls on that crib! Safety, safety!

  14. Looks awesome! Can't wait to see how the baby's room looks like when you are done :)


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