
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Laundry Room Redo

Hi everyone!

This weekend has been a busy but FUN one and we even managed to halfway finish redoing the laundry room. Bryan had baseball all weekend and I managed to make it out to Ralls, TX (yes, it is as small as it sounds) to watch a game. They lost...of course. For those of you who don't know, I'm a bad luck charm when it comes to baseball. Like so bad that I haven't seen Bryan hit a home run since high school. And he hit many when he was in college, like enough to get a record for the most home runs in a single inning. But no, I wasn't there. In fact, on two seperate occasions, I had actually left the game for a brief period of time to 1) go get a blanket from my apartment and 2) get a sonic drink. And sure enough, when I came back, I had once again missed everything...both times.

Sorry about the random tangent, I'm a little bitter about that.

Anyway, I've been seeing this stripe trend in small rooms for a while now, and I'm in love with it. Here is an example from The Lettered Cottage:

And another from Young House Love:

Cute, right?

So, I decided to try this in our teeny-tiny laundry room:

(Please excuse our obviously attention deprived dog)

And this is what we have so far!

The laundry room is pretty far away from any of the windows in our house, so I had to open the garage door just to get some light in, so excuse the weird pictures. I know I could have turned on the light, but the yellowness made it hard to see the stripes in pictures haha.

We also touched up the trim paint while we were doing this. Now we need to move the washer and dryer back in, touch up the cabinet paint, hang up some decorations, and hang a little curtain in front of that clothing rod by the cabinet. We are hoping to finish this sometime this week!

I also wanted to mention that we went to our first bible class and small group in like 3 years on Sunday--it was a lot of fun and we are excited to keep going!

Happy Monday!


  1. You guys are amazing, you always come up with and do the neatest things!

  2. I just found your blog and I'm also a home blogger in Lubbock and have a beagle! What a small world. :)

    I love you're house, it reminds me of a Pottery Barn catalog!

  3. Another Lubbock blogger here (although, I would never call myself a home blogger lol) - Samantha sent me over to say hello. We demand you get a Twitter so we can talk to you. :)

  4. Thanks everyone!

    I'm so happy to meet 2 other bloggers who live in Lubbock! I am now following both of you:). And I may get a twitter account...I can't decide if I want to add another internet addiction to my life haha!

  5. Twitter- a must! It's not addicting at all!! ;) That's a lie, but it's worth a shot.

    I would love to feature your home on my blog for my Lubbock blogger series if that is ok with you! Let me know, you can e-mail me at

    Thanks Katy!

  6. Haha, maybe I'll try it!

    And yes, I am flattered and would love to have our home featured! I will email you!

    Thanks Samantha!


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