
Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Beginnings of Spring and Favorite Things

I love love love when spring starts to make an appearance after a long winter. A warm day lifts my spirits and makes me so excited for the months to come!

(I've been obsessively checking the redbud tree in our front yard for blooms for a while now, and today they finally  showed up!)

The weather here in Lubbock has been really great these past few weeks, but I am so nervous that another cold front is going to blow in and ruin my good mood. I do my best to ignore the fact that winter will probably show it's ugly face one more time by making some spring-themed sugar cookies.

Of course, when I make anything from scratch there is automatically a huge explosion in our kitchen that usually consists of flour, baking pans, egg yolk, and melted butter residue. (I don't know about you, but my flour refuses to stay inside the bowl when I'm stirring)

Case in point:

All of this "spring fever" has put me in such a good mood that I decided to blog a little about myself!

I've been noticing that people put their "interests and activities" on their blogs, so I thought I might do the same. Get excited.

My 25 most favorite things (in no particular order):

1. Reading
2. Shopping
3. Dr. Pepper
5. Happy Tears
6. Blogs
7. Decorating
8. Photography
9. Christmas
10. Clean Houses
11. Target
12. Girls Nights
13. Skinny Jeans
14. Summertime
15. Mexican Food
16. Genuine People
17. The Color Green
18. Weddings
19.  Playing board/card games with my family
20. Anthropologie Candles (Blue Volcano and Voluspa Baltic Amber, FYI)
21. Sleeping In
22. Good Movies (Pride and Prejudice is my fave)
23. Good Music (too many favorites to name...)
24. The feeling after you work out (but not during...that sucks)
25. Feeling at Home

I don't think I need to mention that Bryan, my family, my friends, my faith, my job, and of course, Louie obviously top the list...but I guess I just did!

Spring Break is next week! Yay for working at a university---there are definitely perks to my job!

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