
Thursday, March 3, 2011

Random Happenings

I've been a bad blogger this week! Sorry. I will get better about that

Ok, the past couple of days were VERY busy but a lot of fun! As I mentioned in my last post, my sister Julie came to stay with us all week and it was so great getting to see her! We talked a lot, ate, went to the movies, ate, went shopping, ate, and went to the Etiquette Dinner that I helped with on Tuesday night. Oh yeah, and we ate some more. It was amazing.

My friend Whitney, who is the Career Services Coordinator in our office, was in charge of this event and she did a wonderful job! The Etiquette Dinner was a first for LCU, and we had no clue how it would turn out, but it was very successful and I look forward to helping with more of them in the future. Whitney hired a speaker who teaches etiquette dinners professionally to lead ours. We had about 100 upperclassmen come, and we all learned so many table manners that I had never even heard of before!

I was in charge of flowers and basically just helped Whitney out with whatever she needed before and during the event. We chose to do blue and white hydrangeas (my favorite) with white roses and tulips for the centerpieces. We were on a super strict budget, so I was very happy when they came out at about $5.50 each!

This lady was amazing! She literally went over every aspect of a formal dinner and how to handle each situation. Our students really loved it.

After the dinner, Julie and I went home and tried to teach Louie some new tricks...

But we didn't have much luck haha.

We also went and saw "The King's Speech" last night which was SO great. Bryan and I went to an Oscar Party with some friends on Sunday, so I was very anxious to see if it really deserved Best did.

Sadly, Julie had to head back to CO today, but I really am so happy that she was able to stay with us. It was great to catch up--I love when people come visit!

And just to end this post on a pretty note, I will leave you with more pictures of our pretty flowers that I look at work today:

I'm  pretty sure we'll be tackling more house projects this weekend! Get excited!


  1. I had fun thanks for the stay with star child and the two of you! woo hoo

  2. i didn't know you were calling louie star child haha! i had fun too, come visit us again!!!


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