
Saturday, December 12, 2015

What I'm Reading (And Want to Read)

I am one of those people who tends to go through reading spurts, where I'll read like eight books in a month and then not pick up anything for 3 or 4 months. When I'm in a "spurt", it doesn't bode well for my mom responsibilities (oh, sandwiches for dinner again?), but it's what I tend to do when I'm overwhelmed or stressed because reading a good book is, truly, the only thing that forces my brain to chill out and not think of anything else.


So, since I have been way too busy for my own good these last few weeks, I have also been on a reading kick. And I like it. I thought I would share a few of the books I've read recently with you all today!

For The Love by Jen Hatmaker: Hmmmm yes, who hasn't read this book? It is so good. In the first chapter alone I was spastically nodding my head in agreement and read basically every paragraph to Bryan.

“People will take as much as you will give them, not because they are terrible humans, but because they only want this one slice of you. It doesn’t seem like much to them.” 

“If it isn’t also true for a poor single Christian mom in Haiti, it isn’t true.” 

“Our primary defaults are exhaustion and guilt. Meanwhile, we have beautiful lives begging to be really lived, really enjoyed, really applauded” 

“The trouble is, we have up-close access to women who excel in each individual sphere. With social media and its carefully selected messaging, we see career women killing it, craft moms slaying it, chef moms nailing it, Christian leaders working it. We register their beautiful yards, homemade green chile enchiladas, themed birthday parties, eight-week Bible study series, chore charts, ab routines, “10 Tips for a Happy Marriage,” career best practices, volunteer work, and Family Fun Night ideas. We make note of their achievements, cataloging their successes and observing their talents. Then we combine the best of everything we see, every woman we admire in every genre, and conclude: I should be all of that. It is certifiably insane.” 

“God is unveiling women around the world. He always has and continues to work through women and girls, who are half of His church. They are, like men and boys, His image bearers. They are also, like men and boys, gifted, empowered, smart, and anointed.” 

Truly,  I could just copy and past the whole book (but I will resist that, for your sake and the fact that it's probably illegal). Her views on parenting, family, being a woman, being an American Christian, all of it....I love. I also loved her "Spicy and Sweet" description of family. I come from a Spicy, Bryan comes from a Sweet, and our poor children are getting a nice little mix. ;) Actually, I think that's a good thing.

Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple: I loved the characters in this book and the way the chapters are written (a lot of the chapters are emails, letters, invoices, newsletters, that kind of thing). It's a mystery but nothing really suspenseful or scary, just interesting to read with a good storyline and some interesting people. 

Bread and Wine by Shauna Niequist: I read this a few months ago, but it's worth bringing up again because it was AWESOME. I normally don't really like memoir-y books (I'm slowly changing my tune there), and I have definitely never read a cookbook just for fun (the author reads them regularly), but this was such a great read about coming together with those you love at the table. Our hearts and minds open up and a certain vulnerability lies in a good meal with good friends that you can't get anywhere else. Read it!

The Nightingale by Kristin Hannah: Um. Yes. This book is amazing. I actually just read this one like two days ago, and it's one of those that I'm still thinking about constantly, and even having dreams about. It's a WWII book, so if you like historical fiction then this is basically a no-brainer. It's about two french sisters and their (heartbreaking) journey through the war (a husband leaving to fight, German soldiers coming to live with them, working with the Resistance, saving Jewish children....not to mention a hundred other things but I don't want to ruin the book). The last Kristin Hannah book I read was Firefly Lane and I have never cried harder in a book....goodness. This one is a tear-jerker as well, FYI. So good.

So....yeah! Super fun.

Here are a few that are sitting on my Kindle wishlist that I can't wait to open:

7. Bossypants by Tina Fey (I know...I should have already read this)

What are you reading these days? I LOVE getting good book recommendations! Have a great weekend. Stay healthy. (Have I mentioned that our entire house is sick? So fun.)

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