
Monday, December 14, 2015

Fun Gift Wrapping and Tag Ideas

Wrapping gifts for the holidays often gets funneled into the Dreaded Tasks of Christmas for some people, but in all honestly, turning on a Christmas movie and wrapping presents is one of my all-time favorite things to do. I don't consider it stressful at all, actually; I love the repetition and the exactness of it and the creativity it involves while thinking of the person who is going to receive the gift (and really hoping they will like it).

Hopefully I am not alone in this? There are so many things at Christmastime that are "off the beam" for me (that was a Jen Hatmaker reference), and I have no problem at all letting most of them go (Elf on the Shelf was never even a thought in my mind: too much), but I do think that if you really enjoy something even at a busy time like the holidays, there is nothing wrong with pouring some time and love into it. (Gift wrap lovers, raise your hands high!)

Today I wanted to share a few fun tips on gift wrap. I'm a fan. And a bit of a hoarder. Need a pretty designer wrapping paper? Some cute scalloped tissue? A million feet of ribbon? Have no fear! Katy is here! I also have about 250 baby boy gift bags if you need them as well, but that's another story. (The story is that I had two babies and both were boys and now I have a lot of blue gift bags. ;)

My favorite thing about super-trendy things these days is that they look very homemade and thoughtful, and also--classic. Correct me if I'm wrong, but I do believe there is no better combo, style-wise.

Brown paper packages tied up with strings....

(You're welcome. May your days be filled with voice of Julie Andrews.)

Alright, so enough rambling. A few key points:

1. You only need a few patterns of paper to keep the "underneath" of your tree looking well-dressed. I would say 2-3.
2. Keep the colors and styles similar for a cohesive look, but please, for me, throw in something that contrasts, like gold or greenery (or both) for interest.
3. You know those frustrating too-small strips of wrapping paper that you've had to trim off but can't use? Yes. Well, use them as an accent band on another gift. Fold and tape. Favorite!

4. I love fresh greenery clippings as much as the next home decor lover, but let's be real: that's a pain, especially on gifts. Find a real-looking faux-greenery garland (I got mine at Jo-Ann for $7) and pick off the sprigs to tuck into the ribbon.
5. Speaking of ribbon: Use it. A lot of it. While I love good ole' curling ribbon (fun!), classic satin, linen, and grosgrain will give a much more classic and yester-year look.
6. Don't stop with ribbon! Yarn, twine, sequin/lace/pom-pom trim, and basically anything else you can string and already have works great, too.
7. Berries, pine cones, cinnamon sticks, and even feathers are you BFF's. Glue, tape, and tuck-- just use them well.

8. Don't be afraid to top your gift with something unexpected like these adorable paper roses that are so easy it's ridiculous.
9. I love a little gift on a big gift. Think cute glass ornaments or a homemade ornament from your kiddos. This can serve as the gift tag as well.
10. Speaking of gift tags, I love to cut mine to match from card stock that I already have sitting around. I'm a fan of the pennant flag and the standard price tag look. Use fun stickers or stamps to label your tags.
11. Using initials or letters as the gift tag is super cute and adds some interest.

12. I also think that using a photo for the gift tag is genius. Do you know how easy it is to print photos these days? Go through your Instagram feed, select, click order, and BOOM, they will deliver them to your door. (Also....that photo of Hayes. GOODNESS.)
13. Use wash tape as accents on your tags or to cover up obvious scotch tape on the sides of the gift.
14. None of this needs to be expensive. Buy a few things and then mix, match, and layer, layer, LAYER.

So that's what I have! I got all of my supplies at Jo-Ann and will be talking more about these babies today on KAMR at 4:00.

What are your favorite things to do when wrapping gifts? I'd love to hear!


  1. Your wrapping is gorgeous! I'm horrible when it comes to adding bows. I wish you could wrap my gifts!!!

    1. Aw thank you, Meghan!! I doubt you are bad at it at all! :) Happy wrapping!

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