
Thursday, February 2, 2012

Happy Weekend!

Hi friends! I apologize for the lack of posting yesterday and also for the lack of a "27 Weeks" post today. For those that are new to the blog, I am the Alumni Event Coordinator at the university I work at...and what do ya's Homecoming Weekend, which means I have no life! It's my busiest week of the year so I'm taking a couple of days off to focus on event planning only (and Etsy orders for those who have ordered something--I will not leave you stranded this weekend!).

I wouldn't say that I'm stressed to the max just yet, but I am VERY busy which means that the above verses will hopefully come in quite handy these next few days :). Maybe they will for you too!

Alright, off to bed (it's 12:09am as I type this...I know, I'm a cra-zay preggo lady). I'll talk to you all on Monday!


  1. Aww love these verses! Thanks for sharing friend! Praying that you get everything done and that you're not too stressed :)

  2. Hey, good luck with managing and planning this whole thing! I can't imagine the amount of work you are facing up to right now :) You can do it! x

  3. Good luck this weekend and I can't wait to get you back on the blog next week!! ;)

  4. Thank you so much for sharing these verses, they helped me a lot!


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