
Monday, February 6, 2012

A Day Off

Hi, everyone! How was the weekend?? I am happily enjoying a day off after a crazy (but very fun) few days of Homecoming festivities. Yep, that's right....I'm done! Thank you so much for the well wishes! Everything went pretty great, but my little pregnant body was exhausted so Bryan and I slept through church yesterday and pretty much just sat around the house until we headed to a Super Bowl party last night.

Today will be spent getting caught up on all things home, errands, and blogging. I thought I'd share how I keep all of my to-do's organized since I'm very focused on getting everything back in order today.

Here it is in all of its tattered glory: the To-Do Notebook....

 I bought it at the very end of December with the hopes of having one place to keep my thoughts and to-do's organized. I have to say....I'm pretty obsessed with it! I've already filled 5 pages up front and back and am so happy to have everything in one place. I decided to get a 2-subject notebook to keep my to-dos in the front section and grocery lists, blog ideas, Etsy ideas, and other random thoughts in the back section. It is SO much easier than having a billion little pieces of paper in my purse!

Here are a few things that I would LOVE to accomplish today:

  • Clean the house
  • Catch up on laundry
  • Dust ceiling fans (they are GROSS)
  • Go to the library
  • Take rocker to be reupholstered
  • Work on Etsy listings and purchases
  • Give Bryan a haircut

I'm hoping to do something fun too....maybe go to lunch with a friend or see a movie with Bryan. Or get a new book. I finished The Help last week (Yes, I finally read it!), and I have to say....Ah-mazing! I'm rooting for the whole cast at the Oscar's. Anyway, I need a new book to read...any suggestions?

How do you keep your to-do list organized? Any tips??

Have a wonderful Monday and talk to you all tomorrow!


  1. Happy Monday! Loved The Help - I still have to see the movie! I recommend anything by Marisa de los Santos! She wrote Love Walked In and Belong To Me - sharing some of the same characters but you could read one without the other - and Falling Together. Her writing is smart and I couldn't Falling Together down - it even made me cry during work at my desk (oops.)!

  2. So nice to have a day off! I just finished Hunger Games and I'm anxious to start the next book! :)

  3. I'm so glad you liked The Help! It's such a good read. I agree with Natasha. The Hunger Games is a great book series. I recommend The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. It's a light, fun read that just leaves you feeling good when you finish.

    As for the ceiling fans, in case you haven't seen it on Pinterest, use a pillow case! Put the fan blade in the case and pull off all the dust so it settles in the pillow case. Works like a charm and leaves less mess around the house and floor.

  4. I have a stack of books given to me as Christmas presents that I have yet to start! I'll let you know if anything is good. But I have read a couple of other Kristin Hannah books since Firefly Lane and love all of them.

  5. I love notebooks and getting my thoughts down somewhere tangible. It's also super gratifying to cross the things off as completed :)

    Books...I'm currently reading The Holiness of God and LOVING it. Almost done. Highly recommend it!! I'm also reading Real Marriage (my pastor wrote the book and we're doing a series on it at church..,every week is a new chapter, I figured I'd follow along. It's awesome. The Help...loved it.

    Hope you had a great Monday and got lots done!!


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