
Sunday, July 31, 2011

The New Blog

I hope everyone is having a great Sunday! We are trying to soak it up before the work week begins. Bryan is out playing golf with a friend from church and I am sitting here on the couch, watching "Waiting" (which is even funnier since I've worked in the restaurant industry), and am about to share all of my new blog updates. Lucky you.

First things first:

You may not have noticed, but the web address has changed from to I am SUPER excited about this. Like, I keep typing it in to my web browser just to prove that it's real. We have our very own domain, people.

You also may have seen the changes to the sidebar. At the top of the page, there are links to my "About Me" page, as well as a direct link to email me (thanks for the emails and questions, by the way!), and links to my Pinterest and Etsy pages. While there isn't anything currently listed on my Etsy Shop page, the goal is to change that in the near future. I'm planning to have new stationery designs up in the next month. AND I will be selling them completely printed and packaged, with envelopes (hopefully). If you are interested in seeing some of my work, click here.

Below our picture, you can find links to a few brand new galleries. I put these up so that you can see all of the recipes, tutorials, and outfits that you see here on the blog. These are currently blank pages, but should be up by the end of the week at the rate I'm working on them.

Below the Followers section, you will find links to all of my post categories. I originally had a huge category "cloud" with about 100 categories that my blog posts had been about. I've decided to simplify this with the hopes of keeping my blogging topics consistent and to make searching for posts easier for you all. From now on, all of my posts will fall into one of these categories: "Life" (which is basically any personal posts that I do), "Home" (includes all home decor and renovation projects, as well as cleaning and organizing), "Create" (DIY, craft, recipes, and tutorial posts), "Style" (all of my outfit posts and fashion obsessions), "Inspire" (all inspiration posts),  "Shop" (which links to all posts about my Etsy shop), and "Challenge". This last category is something new that I'm very happy to begin, but I will explain more of that tomorrow :).

The last bit of newness (yes, I just made up that word) on the blog is the addition of linky buttons to the link parties I participate in, the websites that I've been featured on, and all of the blogs that I read everyday. I'm still not completely done with this section, but I thought you should know just the same.

So, that's basically it! I'm pretty sure anything else that's new on the blog is pretty self explanatory. 

This week is looking like a great one for the blog. Tomorrow, I'll be sharing my first day of the 30 For 30 Challenge.  See you then!


I love comments! Thank you!

I try to respond to all questions directly in the comment section, so be sure to check back if you ask anything.