
Friday, July 29, 2011

A Little Change in Decor...

Happy Friday, everyone. We have made it to the weekend at last. May you all have an exciting and eventful one!

I'm just stopping by to note the very random changes that you've probably noticed on the blog. Excuse the mess, broken links, and clashing colors...I am currently in the process of redesigning this thing myself. Yes, I said myself. I can't even believe I've gotten this far, and I've still got a very long ways to go. I even created the background! Holla. I swear, one can discover hidden skills about themselves every day.

I have lots of plans for this little blog....some are pretty big changes that I'm very excited about. I really want to take this to the next level, and I'm hoping you'll be along for the ride. Be prepared for more consistent posts, regular topics, an easier to navigate website, and (gasp!) my own domain. Ahhhhh so excited to make this thing legit.

I don't know what's up with my language today. I think it's the lack of sleep.

How do ya'll feel about pink and coral? Good? Sucks?

Also, can anyone tell me how to format a sidebar and category bar below my header? Those are my current issues...

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