Weekend Wowza

Monday, May 2, 2011

Like my title? No? Well, I was trying to be creative.

Alright my friends, this past weekend was an insane one. But fun. Which are sometimes the best kind in my opinion....

It all started on Friday night when my friend Jessica and I headed to a much anticipated Miranda Lambert concert. It was amazing. For those of you who don't know, Miranda and I are friends. We met at a gas station 3 Christmas's ago while driving through Texas and have been besties ever since. Well....I am joking about the bestie part but I really did get to meet her and get her autograph when our families randomly stopped at the same gas station my sophomore year of college. It was a huge deal since she's my absolute favorite country singer. And still is. So, naturally the concert was a huge deal too, and she didn't disappoint!

Don't you love those concert moments when the whole audience is singing along? Me too.

At the end of the video Miranda held her microphone up for the audience to sing....but I had to cut that part out, because you can hear me singing, and we are NOT going there.

Me and Jess enjoying the concert ambiance (iPhone pic):

A group of us from LCU headed to Houston bright and early on Saturday morning to host an alumni event at the Houston Astros game. The day was absolutely crazy and I learned a nice little tidbit that I will remember for the rest of my life: No matter how much you plan or how many things you think you have in place, they can all go wrong at a moments notice. There were several things (most of which were out of my control) that just didn't go as intended during the set-up of the event, but thankfully, once guests started arriving everything smoothed itself out and everyone had a great time.

We had about 200 alums attend as well as several future Chaps. Free dinner, free tickets, and a win for the Astros made for a good night!

More importantly, I was able to stay with my Aunt Kathy and Uncle Neil during the weekend! It was amazing getting to spend some quality time with them. Kathy stayed with our LCU group the whole time, so she was there for the entire set-up and tear-down of the event and was definitely one of the hardest workers around. I love her SO much and feel really blessed that I got such a great aunt. We had a lot of fun! Sadly, I didn't get a picture with her (of course I realized that when I got home), but she was definitely one of my favorite parts of the entire trip!

I did however, get a few pictures with my precious niece Hensley when I met her on Sunday!

Sweetest, most well behaved baby on the planet. No joke. And she is so pretty. And she isn't a chunk like a thought she was, the pictures were just deceiving :).

She slept about 99% of the time that we were there, and I thought it was so adorable that she would sleep with her eyes almost all the way closed. She tried to fight sleep but just couldn't win the battle!

I think this picture is sweet, Alisha may kill me for it, but here is what I mean by almost closed:

Here are a few iPhone pictures...excuse the poor quality, but enjoy the cuteness!

I freaking love that baby!

After they pried Hensley from my hands (kidding, kinda), we headed to the airport....and 5 hours later I arrived in Lubbock. Did I mention that the flight is only supposed to be an hour and a half? Oh yeah, you better believe we were delayed an hour AND had to turn around in the middle of the flight due to computer problems....yes, fun night. But all is well now!

Told you it was a busy weekend! Happy Monday...

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