
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

The List

I have recently been spending quite a bit of time planning out what our summer will look like. Vacations, weddings, small group retreats, trips home, our 2nd anniversary, church camps, and LCU events.... all of these equal a pretty booked up calendar for the both of us. We did, however, manage to add in a few house projects here and there. You may think we take on too much, but I just call that "productivity". We might have bitten off more than we can chew, but here is a list of the projects we hope to have complete come football season.

1. Paint and decorate our Master Bedroom (signal the Hallelujah Chorus)
2. Re-tile the Master Bathroom
3. Paint and decorate Master Bathroom
4. Find some cheap patio furniture, possibly repaint/redo it
5. Build a pergola over the back patio (Bryan is like a kid in a candy store when we talk about this)
6. Makeover the front door and patio
7. Build Bryan a work bench in the garage
8. Refinish dining room table
9. Decorate Dining Room
10. Touch up paint on kitchen cabinets
11. Install garden lights and fence accessories in our backyard flowerbeds
12. Maybe start working on the craft room...
13. Grow grass in the backyard!!

Ok, I seriously doubt that even half of these projects will be finished by August, but I can dream, right? Besides, I already have 2 of these projects in the is a little clue for one of them (I just ordered it tonight!):

Oh, and if you're wondering what a pergola is, here ya go:

What are your plans for the summer?

Have a great Thursday!!


  1. Being that we are moving from this rental I can only do so much.I am gonna try to add more ambiance to our little front porch pillows for the bench colored pots and a few twinkle lights.Love the colors in the bedding you chose.

  2. Wow... now that is a to-do list! Love it! :) Beautiful bedding!

  3. Pretty bedding! Especially against the dark headboard. As for the pergola...funny you ask "if you're wondering what a pergola is...". I was in casual conversation with a group of people recently and mention some things I wanted to do to our "pergola". I got blank stares. I then said "patio structure" and "gazebo" for a lack of a better word and everyone said "ohhhh"! Is it not a word used often??


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