
Thursday, May 5, 2011

Mini Patio Project

I was browsing through blogs last week, and came across a really creative idea for a flowerless pot on For The Love Of A House (this blog is really great--her house is so nice!).

This lady used one of those hand blown glass balls that you can put around your garden, but she put it in a flower pot with spanish moss.

Right after I saw this, I made a trip to the one and only TJMaxx and what did I find? Yes, I found the perfect hand blown glass for my pots!

Now, my mom might hate this project because she's not a fan of anything fake....but the spanish moss isn't technically fake, it's just I broke her rules and tried this project anyway. (Sorry Mom!)

I decided to try this in the pots on the front patio because most of the flowers in them had mysteriously died (seriously, I watered them when I was supposed to and is truly a mystery). Don't worry, the two flowers that survived have been safely moved to the flowerpots in the backyard so nothing was wasted. I was also really tired of having to sweep all of the dirt and mulch off the patio and away from the welcome mat every time I watered, so I figured this would be an easy solution since it doesn't require water.

So, here is what I had before:

And here's what it looks like now:

So far, I'm liking it. I also think this will be good for the winter when everything is dead. Except then I'll have to change out the color of the moss to a more nuetral color, but it will look much better than nothing at all! I also figure that if I get tired of this I can just as easily plant more flowers in these since the gardening soil is still underneath the moss.

More changes on the front patio to come!


  1. Love it !! "For the love of a house" is one of my favorite blogs ... she is amazing, isn't she?

  2. Thank you so much Becca! I could not for the life of me remember the name of that blog--I was able to credit her because of you :).

  3. I LOVE LOVE LOVE these! OUTSTANDING idea!!!!!!!!!!!
    Going to try it out meself, thanks for posting.

  4. such a great Idea.. So different!
    Love it

  5. You just solved my problem of the day. No time to pot-up the urn in the front but I do have spanish moss and I do have a big glass ball. Voila!

    Thanks for linking to ShabbyNest.

  6. This is so cute, easy and a great solution if you don't want to plant anything or have a small space! Love it!


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