
Wednesday, May 18, 2011


Well, I'm definitely playing catch up with all of the craziness that has been going on this past week! Here is just a little peek at some of it:

Last Thursday, we had a fundraising dinner in Amarillo for a new science building at LCU. Everything went great--the food was perfect, the decor was pretty, and everyone had a good time!

We worked with a really great florist in Amarillo who was able to come up with some pretty things for our small budget.

The next day, we packed up and headed to Dallas for an alumni event at a Rangers Game. I was able to stay with my friend Whitney's parents and we had such a great time!

The event was a little chaotic, but all 200 alumni really enjoyed free lunch and tickets to the game.

Um, I'm obsessed with Lemon Chills....but it doesn't look like Whit likes them much in this picture!

Whitney and I!

We actually left the game right after this picture was taken to go to Six Flags. It was amazing. We didn't really consider the fact that is was Saturday night and the park would be packed which always equals really long lines, but we were able to ride all of the big roller coasters so we were pretty happy! I'd like to think it was because we were strategic in our ride-planning, but there may have been some "sprinting to each ride like we're 6 years old" involved so that might have helped too :).

After all of the craziness (and fun) on Saturday, we packed up and headed home on Sunday and went back to work on Monday....and I'm still recovering. Coordinating 2 big events in 3 days is exhausting and I have just now managed to get my office cleaned (like 30 minutes ago--yes I'm blogging at work, I know, I'm breaking the rules).

On top of all of that, Bryan over-seeded our yard this weekend! So, we've been watering the yard 4 times a day and trying to keep Louie from getting too dirty. Oh, and speaking of Louie, it seems that he has figured out how to jump up on furniture. Dang-it. A bottle of Resolve has found a new home next to the couch because of this.

Happy Wednesday!

1 comment:

  1. These pictures turned out so nice!! And I do love lemon chills... Not sure where the motivation to make a sad face at my lemon chill came from, but it definitely makes for an entertaining picture. Haha!! Good post Katy! :)


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