
Monday, April 25, 2011

Magic Pictures

I got a new lens for my birthday. A Canon 50mm 1.8 lens. It takes magic pictures.

I've done my research and decided that this was the best lens for what I wanted to spend...and I was right!

I'm still slowly figuring out how to use it, but so far I'm in love. My images are so much more clear, and I can take pictures of Louie running around without it getting too blurry.  This lens is great for portraits, and creates the perfect blurry background (or bokeh in photographer speak) that I'm obsessed with. In fact, I love it so much that I took 192 pictures in the first hour after I bought it. Yes. One hundred and ninety-two.

In other news, I also managed to get some new shoes with my leftover birthday money! I don't think I've mentioned it, but I've kinda of been on a working out/running kick lately, so a pair of fancy shoes quickly became a requirement (of course). I was so excited when I got home from the mall that I took a few pictures of them. With my work clothes still on. Yes, I'm cool like that.

They are Nike Free Run 2's. I'm still wearing them....without socks. I guess I should go put socks on!

Happy Monday!


  1. Hey Katy! I just found your blog :) Love it! I'm excited for the new lens! I'm so amateur still with my DSLR that I've had for a couple years now :/ But I've made progress lately!
    Oh - and I also just got Nike Frees for Valentines :)


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