
Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Garden Update (Numero Dos)

Everything is still pretty baby-sized in our garden, but I do have a few pictures of our pots that are doing beautifully.

And just to show the general amount of growth that has occured in our baby garden, here is a March and April picture of one of our hostas.

I'm loving our garden so far!

Aaaaand here's just a little dose of Louis since he never seems to get enough attention (spoiled).

P.S. We have several big projects planned in the Roberts' household in the near future, including our dining room, master bedroom, front porch and back patio, but sadly, we will have to hold off until I can get through the event craziness at work and Bryan gets out of school. Cross your fingers that I make it through with my sanity still in tact!

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