Loving Different Decorating Styles Part Two

Monday, November 2, 2015

Today I'm back with two more designers and two very different decorating styles that I really admire and think are completely beautiful in their own ways.

First up is Jenny Komenda from Little Green Notebook. Her blog is another that I have read for years even though our styles are toooootally different but still, I find everything she does to be jaw-dropping and totally inspiring.

She has the modern-vintage style pegged. Like, on point. She is a pro at mixing upscale contemporary with legit vintage finds (that are stunning...I have no clue how she manages to find so many high quality vintage pieces on Craigslist). Jenny is also not afraid of a good DIY (she has painted the fabric on upholstered chairs and sprayed an entire grand staircase on her own). She also uses a lot of color and bright white, something that I would like to do in another life. ;)


And then there's Erica Powell, who owns Urban Grace Interiors. I actually found her through her twin sister Darby's blog (because I used to sorta stalk Darby when she blogged...actually I guess I still do on Instagram. I also stalk Erica. They have adorable lives. Technology has brought all my creepiness out.)

Erica's style is traditional but updated, clean, light, natural, layered, sometimes feminine....all the good things. And she loves the color green. 1,000 points! She's also like super famous in design world and I feel like I see her in magazines a lot. 

She's a fave, for sure.

She reminds me a lot of Phoebe Howard and also a little of Sarah Richardson in her more traditional rooms.  (Both are original favorites, by the way.) Yes? So much pretty from this one!

Again, both Jenny and Erica have completely different styles but they continue to be personal favorites of mine. I think there is so much to pull as inspiration from these two, and I think a lot of it has to do with how well they place, layer, and use scale and texture in their designs.

Sometimes I sit and think about how interior design is so funny. Like, I lay in bed at night happily thinking about the perfect item that I can put in my home that serves no other purpose other than to be looked at....but I guess that's how most things in the world are, too. We are visual, for sure! 

What do you think? Which designer suits your fancy? Or are you like me and love both? 

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