
Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Just Arrived

Weight: 8 pounds 5 ounces
Length: 20 inches

Dear Parker,

We have had so much fun with you in your first week as a part of our family. You're little presence has made such a wonderful impact on our lives and I literally do not know how I ever lived without you.  After countless hours of sitting and staring at you, we've come to the conclusion that you have your daddy's eyes, forehead, and nose, and my mouth and curly hair (!). You are so handsome, and while the little changes that I see in you each day make me sad because it means you are already growing up, I'm excited to see the little boy that you are turning in to.

You were born with an impressive variety of facial expressions that we get a kick out of. You love to crease your brow and pout your lip out one moment and then smile the next. My favorite face of yours is when you open your eyes wide and make a little "o" with your mouth. You love to be outside listening to the birds and dogs and wind blowing, and you've already spent many hours in the garage having Sonic breaks with your Nonnie and Pops. You love to have your head rubbed and are fascinated with your Snugabunny bouncer. You cry when we give you baths and when you are hungry but are pretty mellow and content the rest of the time. Your daddy is already convinced that you are a leftie. You are also a very gassy little boy! I am seriously amazed that such big sounds can come out of such a little body!

You met almost all of your family members this week including two sets of great grandparents and many great aunts and uncles. Everyone kept talking about what a pretty and mellow little guy you are. After hearing everyone compare your looks to me or your dad's, your Great-Nanny got fed up and said, "He looks like Parker. He has Parker's eyes, and Parker's nose, and Parker's feet, and he is his own person." We all thought that was so sweet! She is so in love with you already!

I have never been more exhausted in my life. Our house doesn't look perfect, and I am lucky if I get to shower at all during the day, but I have never been so happy. Thank you for making me the only thing I ever knew I wanted to be....a mommy. We love you so much and are excited to see the man you become.



  1. Congratulations! He is such a cutie!!

  2. He's adorable and you look so happy :) You look great too!! Congratulations :)

  3. Just found your blog and CONGRATS on your sweet little boy! :)

  4. Congratulations. What a beautiful baby boy :)

  5. So so sweet!! He is the most precious little thing! Glad you're doing well {though tired!} and he's strong and healthy. Looking forward to hearing more! Congrats on being a mama! xo

  6. Congratulations! What a precious baby boy!

  7. Congrats!!! What a sweet letter, and I too could stare at Parker's adorable pics for hours. He couldn't possibly get any cuter. Enjoy every precious minute!!

  8. Sweet sweet boy! My baby made the O rings with her mouth too. If you can, try to take video of it. I wish I had and now that she's a toddler I miss that part of her life so much. I just was too exhausted to even eat, much less take video. This time will fly by.

  9. how amazing does your hair look?!
    and yeah, i guess he's pretty amazing too ;)

  10. This post is so so so special. I just love all these photos. He is precious, Katy! :)

  11. Yay- congratulations! he is absolutely beautiful and precious. What a sweet personality, already! This is such an amazing time for you guys. I love the note you wrote him. :) Happy first mother's day! :)

  12. Happy Mothers Day! Your son is seriously beyond precious :) Congrats again on this wonderful addition! XO

  13. This post was so very sweet...just like little Parker! Enjoy your time with your little one. Congrats to all of you.

  14. So, so sweet! Enjoy every moment of this special time!


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