
Wednesday, April 25, 2012

38 Weeks

Still here. Still cooking! And almost a week behind in bump posts, whoops!!

How Far Along: 38 Weeks.
Baby Size: I lied last week, the food comparisons continue to grow-- baby is the size of a pumpkin! Our growth  ultrasound on my birthday told us that he is between 8-8.5 pounds. Like, right now. He's his daddy's boy.
Total Weight Gain: Okay, so I've had two doctor appointments since my last post. It's getting a bit ridiculous. Anyway, I gained 2 pounds at the first one (for a grand total of 36 pounds) and then lost 2 at my second one (which apparently happens at the end). So 34 pounds.
Maternity Clothes? Yes. The above dress is my lone maternity dress. Target. $7 on saaaaale.
Stretch Marks? The little guys are still there. And I am still sad. I've gotten kind of obsessive with looking at them. I just hope they go away enough that I can wear a bikini again!
Sleep: Meh. I am over trying to sleep. I get really excited if I find a position that is comfortable for more than an hour. 
Best moment this week: Just trying to soak up time with Bryan. I went out to dinner/lunch with a bunch of my friends for my birthday (3 times!) and had SO much fun. I love love love my friends and hope that I am still good about hanging out once he's here. I got an awesome mommy massage on Friday. OH, and we finally went on a hospital tour. All of the nurses were SO nice and it made me a lot less nervous about staying there! (I have a weird fear of hospitals, nurses, needles...all of that).
Miss Anything? Well, I'm SO done being uncomfortable (I am a fickle pregnant lady), but I know I will miss my bump and him moving around in my belly once he's here.
Movement: Movement has slowed quite a bit this week. He tries to stretch every once in a while (to my dismay), so I have to remind him that stretching would be a lot easier if he would just come OUT and meet us! He still gets the hiccups a few times a day though. I LOVE it!
Food Cravings: Sweets. Powdered donuts. I know, I'm so bad. And Sonic Sweet Tea has been Ah-mazing lately!
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: Boy!
Labor Signs: Well, at my 37 week appointment I found out that I was 2-3cm dilated, 70% effaced. At my 38 week appointment I was 4cm dilated, 70% effaced. My doctor says I could go any day, but I'm trying not to get my hopes up....although that's a very hard thing to do. :( Still having Braxton Hicks at night.
Belly button in or out? Flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: So happy but SO impatient.  
Looking forward to: Meeting him. That's it. :)
Things to Remember (this is new): Well, sometimes I talk to him when I'm alone. That's a little embarrassing to admit. Just about when he's going to come and what he will look like and what kind of baby he will be. I want to remember waking up in the middle of the night with Braxton Hicks and thinking "This could be real!", even though it's a big let down when it isn't. Still exciting though :). I also need to remember how excited everyone is for us. When you're nine months pregnant you get a lot of attention and it's hard to appreciate it when you're huge and exhausted. :)

Talk to you all later!! Oh, and THANK YOU for all of the sweet comments and birthday wishes! I have been horrible at responding to comments for like, months now, but I do read every single one and really appreciate them SO very much :).


  1. Oh em gee you are SOOO close friend!! You look amazing!! I can't believe how big he is...8 lbs! Good Lord! I cannot wait for him to get here and for you to finally meet your little man!! XO

  2. Another blogger I follow is having her boy only two weeks after yiu. Maybe you guys know each other but in case you didn't, here 's her post:

    Hugs to you! Almost here!
    -Marathoning to raise money for World Vision to bring clean water girl (which I will definitely send you ny post... probs after you have your guy! Haha)

  3. I've been checking my Google reader each day! I thought for sure you had him by now. You look great!

  4. This dress is darling! I can't believe it's Target! Perfect. I'm glad you got the hospital tour and everything- I'm horrifying of hospitals and needles, too, so that'll be fun for me...not. And my mom's a maternity nurse, so I'm not sure where this fear came from!! Praying baby comes out soon so you can meet him :)

  5. You and your blog are simply adorable! I love reading it. Good luck whenever that little boy decides to come!

  6. Just found your blog, it's lovely! P.S. you look great!


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