
Monday, April 9, 2012

36 Weeks. Eeeek!

I think we should all just accept that blogging not a strong point for me at the moment. Moving on..... :)

I have officially reached "huge" pregnant. Oh what fun!!!

How Far Along: 36 Weeks. Only a few more days till this little guy is fully cooked!
Baby Size: Ah I have no clue.....over 6 pounds. A cantaloupe.
Total Weight Gain: 30 pounds!
Maternity Clothes? Yes, yes, and yes.
Stretch Marks? No, although I think they could skin is pretty stretched to the max, so we will see :).
Sleep: Bleh. I don't like sleeping anymore. I either don't sleep or am only halfway asleep because I am so uncomfortable. My poor back! And hips! Oh to sleep on my stomach.....
Best moment this week: Well....a lot of good things! I got to see my mom and mom-in-law last weekend which was amazing. We had so much fun! I had 2  absolutely adorable showers and am officially stocked up and ready for him to GET HERE (stilllllll trying to finish all of those thank you cards!). We have somewhat finished his nursery (Holy Moly!), we got maternity pictures back and they are wonderful.... but mostly I've just been soaking up the kicks and hiccups that I know won't always be inside of me :(.
Miss Anything? Well, normal sleep. Not grunting to get off the couch. But in all honesty, I'm sad that I won't be pregnant for much longer. I don't want him to grow up! I will miss it, I think.
Movement: Oh yes. He attacked me in church this morning till I was about to cry. He was all up in my ribs. He LOVES my ribs. Still gets the hiccups and loves to morph my belly into weird shapes. :)
Food Cravings: Nothing in particular.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope.
Gender: Baby boy!
Symptoms: Sore back ALL. the. time. Calf cramps like crazy.
Labor Signs: I don't think so!
Belly button in or out? Hmmmm. Flat.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have never been so happy in my life!!!
Looking forward to: Nesting. Pampering myself a little bit before D-Day. Meeting him. Naming him. And spending some quality time with his daddy before he arrives :). 
Things to Remember (this is new): His daddy laying his head on my belly to talk to him (I didn't let him see me get choked up), his daddy FREAKING out when I got a bad calf cramp and bolted out of bed yelling some not so great words (apparently he is on edge that I will go into labor at any minute), going into his nursery right when I wake up just to sit and think about him actually being there. Cheesy yes, but true :).
I have a LOT to catch up on! Talk to you all later!!!


  1. I think he is fully cooked. ;) They just gain weight these last few weeks. Not fun for a mama. :) If he is this active now, he will be a little go getter when he is born. My son hasn't stopped moving! :) He is now 5 and will be starting kindy in the fall.

  2. You look SO cute! I hope I look as good as you at 36 weeks! And I LOVE your dress...where is it from?

  3. You look SOOO wonderful!! Pregnancy just suits you! Can't believe you're almost there! Love that hubby lays his head on your belly and talks to him...Ryan does the same thing and I just love it. :) Loved getting an update! :)

  4. You look so cute! He looks like he is ready! :)

  5. Oooh goodness. This is such an exciting time! I can't wait till we both get to meet our baby boys!!! You look so cute in these pics!

  6. Your dress...AH! Love. You're so close! I just love these posts. Hope you have a great week! xo

  7. Thank you everyone!! And I agree, I think he is fully cooked!!!

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