
Sunday, March 25, 2012

34 Weeks

Oh my gosh! I am so terrible. I know. You can always tell how crazy my life is by how often I'm blogging. is the 34 week post!

I forgot to take a belly picture this week....BUT we took our maternity pictures with the awesome Tiffany Harrison on Monday, so I'm using one from that shoot as a replacement. (I hope she doesn't mind me using it!) She is so so so amazing and I can't wait to see the rest :). She actually took me out for two sessions since our first one was really windy. Love her. Check out her website if you live in Lubbock! 

How Far Along: 34 Weeks. Only SIX more to go. Holy crap. 
Baby Size: I'm going to guess that he's around 6 pounds by now, and getting fatter by the minute :).
Total Weight Gain: 28 pounds as of my last appointment.
Maternity Clothes? Yep.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep: I've been waking up a few times each night. My hips hurt sometimes, and every once in while I'll wake up lying on my back (Whoops!). I don't like to use all those pregancy pillows and wedges though--normally I just hitch my leg up on Bryan's back for support haha. Luckily he doesn't seem to mind :).
Best moment this week: Ah, so much has happened since my last update! I finally felt him have the hiccups on March 16th, and he's had them several times since then :). I loved my shower, getting maternity pictures, finding a wonderful doula to work with (!), getting the nursery more put together, and getting an awesome prenatal massage yesterday for FREE!
Miss Anything? No. Now I'm freaking out about missing pregnancy when he's out. Just trying to soak it up :).
Movement: Of course! Hiccups. So cute! And he LOVES to stretch his whole body out the second I lay down to nap. Not comfortable at all, but I'll take it :).
Food Cravings: I've really wanted sweets lately. I've been baking a lot to satisfy that haha.
Anything making you queasy or sick? No.
Gender: Sweet baby boy.
Labor Signs: No. Just Braxton Hicks. I'm kind of freaking out though that he could really come at any moment now. Our ultrasound tech told us that her little girl decided to come at 34 weeks. I was a little stunned because we are no where close to being ready!
Belly button in or out? The top is out? I don't know. It changes every day.
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: I have never been so happy in my life.
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, getting to see my mom and MIL this weekend, my showers this weekend, getting more prepared to actually have him (!), and of course....meeting him for the first time :).

Have a great week! Oh--my goal is to have the nursery pictures up either the first or second week of April! Yay yay yay!


  1. Aw! What a wonderful photo!! She's great! I can't wait to see more! xo

  2. I love that picture and your cute outfit! The next 6 weeks will fly by I'm sure!

  3. Such a sweet photo! Can't believe how close you are!! So excited for you!!

  4. I always look forward to reading your weekly updates! You look great too!! Enjoy the last 6 weeks!

  5. What a wonderful picture!! So glad you're feeling happy and healthy in this last stretch before you have your sweet baby! Can't wait to see nursery pictures :) xoxo

  6. you look incredible! loving your baby bump!

  7. Thank you for this article. That’s all I can say. You most definitely have made this blog into something special. You clearly know what you are doing, you’ve covered so many bases.Thanks!


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