
Thursday, February 16, 2012

Registering for the Babe.

Hello, hello! Bryan and I spent much of last weekend registering for baby boy. Before I was pregnant, I knew that babies and kids had a lot of gear that went along with them from babysitting and working at a daycare and whatnot, but man....I had NO idea that it was this much! I spent 4 hours in Target last Saturday. FOUR. I was alone, tired, hungry, and eventually had to sit down for an icee and popcorn break just to get my mind off of breast pumps. I dreamt about strollers all weekend! Insanity people....and I'm not even sure I got to everything that we need.

Today, I thought I would share just a few of the items that we registered for. Many may find this boring (or enlightening), but I'm hoping that the moms and mommas-to-be out there will appreciate it. :)

1.  Aden and Anais Swaddle Cloths - I've heard SO many great things about these things. Apparently they keep babies all bundled up without getting them too hot. They are pricey, but I hear that it's worth it.

2. Baby Balboa Shopping Cart Cover - I love the print on this one! My sister-in-law (who I could have not registered without - thanks Alisha!) was very adamant that I register for one of these since she uses hers all the time.

3. Love You Forever - How could I not register for this? I remember my mom reading it to me when I was little and I would love to do the same for our son. Of course, I can't even think about opening it now because I would probably start sobbing. Oh, the hormones.

4. Boon Grass Countertop Drying Rack - I'm kind of obsessed with this thing. I'm not really loving the thought of having bright colored, plastic baby toys and and supplies all over my house (just being honest), but I think that this will look really cute right next to the kitchen sink! Perfect for the many bottles I am sure to wash and dry in the next few years :).

5. Phil & Teds Dash Buggy Stroller - Holy crap this is by far the most expensive thing on my registry...which I feel terrible about, but I'm just so in love with this thing it's not even funny. :) I've heard SO many great things about Phil & Teds strollers, and since I wanted one that I could run with once baby boy is big enough, this stroller just seemed to be the perfect fit. It also converts into a double stroller for when more kiddos come along AND I'm justifying the price even more since I plan on using it for all of our babies. I'm crossing my fingers that we can get it on Zulily or Amazon though, since the price is about $200 less. Here's hoping!

6. Maxi-Cosi Mico Infant Car Seat - Another great brand that I've done quite a bit of research on. I've read that they are super light, safe, AND celebrities use them. Well, that obviously means that I needed to register for one, right? I also really loved the Peg Perego and Chicco brands, but decided to go with this one for now since it looks really clean and has great quality fabric.

7. Aveeno Baby Bath Products - I'm pretty sure a ton of moms use this brand for their babies. Can't wait to try them on my little one! I also can't wait for that baby smell that no shampoo or soap can give :).

8. Aden and Anais Burpy Bibs - Yet another Aden & Anais product, but I really don't think I could have registered for too much from this brand. Can't wait to use them!

9. Moby Wrap Baby Carrier - I'm actually really excited to use this (if baby boy likes it). I figure that it will be great if we are just running errands or taking a walk. It seems pretty easy to put on (I watched the video tutorial, of course) and very safe for baby boy no matter how big he gets! (Well, there's obviously a weight limit, but it should work for the first year!)

So tell me, what are some of your favorite baby brands and must-haves when it comes to gear for your little one? I love hearing about all of this, especially since I was so clueless before!


  1. Great picks ! No baby here yet but I am saving these items because I love them so much. Sigh, one day =).

  2. My little girl didn't want to be swaddled, so I ended up taking ALL my swaddling blankets back. Just a heads up, if you don't get those uber-soft blankies that I absolutely love too for your shower, I would say hold out and see if your little man will even let you use them before you spend lots on them. I have a couple of the Aden and Anais burp cloths, but honestly, the 12 pack of Gerber cloth diapers works just as well and they're WAY cheaper. They aren't as cute, but you're just wiping up regurgitated milk with them! I think one of our best purchases was the Fisher Price zoo jumper. We got it for her at Christmas, so she was 5 months, but oh man! She jumps and bounces in that thing EVERY DAY! Loves it. Also, we use the Playtex Nurser Drop-in bottles with her. She had some gas issues until we moved to those bottles. We had tried a few others including Dr. Brown's and none of the bottles got the air out like the drop-ins.

    So those are some of my favorites! Congrats again. Can't wait to see your sweet little man!

  3. We loved Aden & Anais swaddling blankets! My daughter didn't really like being swaddled (we had some lucky with the Miracle Blanket early on) but they are just excellent all around blankets. The bamboo ones are SO soft so look for those if you can. I often used those blankets tucked into my bra strap as a nursing cover.

    The shopping cart cover is awesome! I just got one as well and it's saving my sanity. Seriously I stick my daughter in a shopping cart and she goes straight for putting her mouth on the handle!

    We had a Moby too but my daughter hated it. If your son hates it don't give up on babywearing though, just look for a different type of carrier! My daughter loves our Babyhawk Mei Tai and it's SO convenient! I know other moms who swear by the Ergo- just stay away from brands like Bijorn, Infantino, and basically anything else they sell at Target or Walmart or Babies R Us.

    Prefold cloth diapers are the only burp cloths worth a damn. They aren't cute but if you don't want to change clothes, sheets, etc. every few minutes they are a MUST have! Must must must!

    And if you have any other reservations about breastpumps I have the Ameda Purely Yours and I LOVE it! I did a TON of research on pumps and this one seemed to be the best bet. I had a Medela one before it and the quality wasn't even comparable.

  4. how fun! and if celebrities use that car seat then it must be good. ;)

  5. That wrap thing looks awesome and so convenient! all this stuff is so fun!! :)

  6. Love all your suggestions...I'm adding little by little to our registry so I LOVE getting ideas from other mamas-to-be!! :)

  7. I remember that overwhelming feeling of registering with our first. Realistically, I feel like we needed a lot less stuff than we originally thought. As far as favorites go, I absolutely adore my sling carrier! I made it while I was expecting our second child. I use it so much with her and now I'm using it for our 3 month old too. I can even still carry our oldest in it (it has around a 40lb. weight limit). When I was at work and my little ones had/have to have bottles, we LOVE Dr. Brown's. I noticed someone mentioned the drop-ins as their preference over Dr. Brown's. We used those for a little while but they just didn't work as well for us. With things such as bottles, pacifiers, and even burp cloth preferences, it's really all a matter of personal preference via trial and error. If you're not really loving a product or think there might be a better way to do something or a better product to use, there probably is. Just trust your mommy instinct. You'll be a fantastic mommy!

  8. Hello there! What fun you and your husband must be having as you count down the days! We are expecting our second in mid-June and our first will be just about 18 months. We were living in the UK when he was born and didn't get to experience the fun of baby showers and registering the first time around, so I found your list helpful! The shopping cart cover seems AWESOME and I think I'm going to order the exact pattern from Amazon TODAY!

    I am a HUGE fan of baby carrying. It was basically a necessity when we lived in the UK and had to rely on public transportation and our feet to get us everything. BUT, we've been back in the US for a month now and we don't have our stroller yet (as it's still being shipped from the UK). We've been relying on our Ergo which still holds our son who is nearly 15 months (and about 25 lbs)beautifully!

    I cannot sing the praises of the Ergo enough! It's pricey (and if you want to use it from birth, like we did, you'll need an additional infant insert) but WELL worth it. It's super easy to get on and off and distributes the weight so well that even as I'm 23 weeks pregnant and carrying a 25 lb baby it doesn't put too much strain on me (of course I'm not carrying him around like that for hours). My husband also loves using the Ergo and carries Simon on his back a great deal.

    The Moby was my first choice for a wrap until I read up on the Sleepy Wrap. The Moby is still awesome, but I LOVE the Sleepy Wrap a bit more because of the added spandex. We used the Sleepy Wrap A LOT from birth until around 8 months (and the last two months were just emergency uses if Simon was having a hard time napping). I loved how you could tie it super tight and not worry about leaving any room for the baby since the spandex was included in the fabric. It washes up really well and once Simon could be carried with his legs out (I think around 6-8 weeks), my husband was even comfortable wearing the wrap.

    Anyway, all the best to you and I look forward to your continued updates!

  9. Number 3 is my go-to baby gift. I get that for everyone when they have baby showers because it was my favorite book as a child! Love that you had it on your registry list!


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