
Friday, February 24, 2012

30 Weeks

Gasp! I am looking at the camera! Ho-ly crap. I know. I gathered up my courage and posed for the tri-pod. You're welcome. :)

How Far Along: THIRTY weeks. See ya later twenties!  
Baby Size: 15.7 inches long, 3 pounds. Getting chunky....ahhhhh can't wait!
Total Weight Gain: Ahem, 22 pounds. :)
Maternity Clothes? Yes, although I'm still squeezing into normal pants as well. See those jeggings? Yeah, they aren't buttoned or zipped. Thank you, spandex.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep: Sleeping like a baby!
Best moment this week: Well...I finished a really good childbirth book called "A Guide to Childbirth" by Ina May Gaskins. A little extreme for me, but still had some great thoughts! Hearing his strong heartbeat at our last appointment. 145!!
Miss Anything? Being able to wear normal clothes. I still shop like I'm skinny. I keep picking up cute little pencil skirts and then realizing....oh wait. I'm pregnant. It's totally worth it though!
Movement: So. Much. Movement. I absolutely love it. He has been determined to stretch his little body out all day today, and although it's a little painful, I still can't get enough!
Food Cravings: Hmmm, nothing in particular. Although I am pretty pumped to head to the NEW Panda Express (it just opened yesterday) with a friend here in about 30 minutes. STARVING.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope!
Gender: He's ALL boy :)
Labor Signs: No, but I think I've had a few Braxton Hicks contractions....very strange feeling.
Belly button in or out? Getting flatter as each day passes. Bryan is actually kind of obsessed with commenting on it. :)
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Very happy. Getting a little overwhelmed with how much there is left to do before the big arrival!
Looking forward to: Finishing the nursery, childbirth classes, making a trip to CO in a few weeks to see the padres, and my showers!!!!! So much fun ahead!

Excuse the amount of smiley faces and exclaimation marks in this post. I have no clue how else to express my excitement haha. Have a wonderful weekend!!


  1. You are so freaking cute! I love that cardigan and the shoes! Enjoy Panda Express!

  2. girl, work it cause you look fabulous!!
    xoxo, Amy

  3. You look great...LOVE your outfit! Such a stylish mama to be! Seriously! I miss buying regular clothes too...I'm still in denial!

  4. Cannot believe you are 30 weeks!! Can't wait to see you and your cute belly!

  5. Where did you put the 22 pounds? You look great!! :)

  6. You just get cuter every week. I hope I have that many adorable clothes when I'm pregnant one day!! hehe :)

  7. ahh you are so adorable!! i need to take fashion styling tips from you when i become pregnant. you are too precious!


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