
Friday, February 10, 2012

28 Weeks.

How Far Along: 28 WEEKS! Officially in the third trimester!!!! I feel so cool.
Baby Size: 15 inches long, about 2.5 pounds
Total Weight Gain: I'm going to guess around 20 pounds.... :)
Maternity Clothes? Yep! I am living in my Gap maternity "always skinny" jeans and my collection of maternity tops is steadily growing as well. I can still wear my normal flowy shirts and jeans with a bella band though :).
Stretch Marks? Not yet....
Sleep: Still sleeping wonderfully. I'm starting to feel tired during the day again....which I'm not a fan of.
Best moment this week: Getting my shower dates set!! I'm so excited! Bryan and I are going on a "registry date" tonight as well. I also booked a newborn photographer today!! Can't wait to see little man's first pictures. :)
Miss Anything? This week the whole "missing being skinny" thing hit. I saw a picture of myself from last summer and was like "Dang! Why did I ever think I had fat days?" haha! OH, and I miss having a normal brain. I "dried" a load of laundry a few days ago and opened the dryer when it was done to find it empty. I never moved the clothes over from the washer. OMG.
Movement: Of course! He is very active all the time, and LOVES to stick his little feet underneath my rib cage. It is the most bizarre feeling on the planet!
Food Cravings: I've wanted donuts all day today. Why can't I be one of those preggos that craves fruit?
Anything making you queasy or sick? Nope! Hallelujah.
Gender: Sweet little boy!!!
Labor Signs: No thank goodness!
Belly button in or out? Barely an innie. I guess I could start calling it a "flattie".
Wedding rings on or off? On.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Happy happy happy.
Looking forward to: Registering, showers, finishing the nursery, maternity pictures, starting childbirth classes in a few weeks, getting to go to the doctor every two weeks instead of every month (!), and of course....meeting our little boy. :)

Have a fun and happy weekend! Hopefully I will have some fun V-day and nursery update posts next week!


  1. OMG, you look darling! You need to start sourcing your cure outfits!! And you are all belly my dear so you'll be back in action by this summer, no problem!! :)

  2. You are getting big and I'm lovin the bump and the cute outfits!! I also am looking forward to seeing the nursery :)

  3. what a cute outfit! love your blog and reading your baby updates!

  4. Love that outfit, you are such a cute mommy-to-be! :)

  5. So cute! It will be good to look back when you are pregnant with the second {I know too soon to think about that} but it great to compare! You look amazing!

  6. My name is Kate and my husbands name is Bryan (with a 'y'), so CLEARLY I had to follow your blog!!!

  7. You have the cutest baby bump I have ever seen!! Loving your outfit also. Hope all is well :)

  8. where did you find that gorgeous cardigan? I love it!

  9. I have my last sonogram in 2 weeks.. freakin out!! love you and little baby too

  10. You are too cute for words! Thanks for the update. :)


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