
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Recipe: Santa Fe Soup

Hello, hello!

I really need to get more on a schedule with blogging....I totally meant to post this yesterday, but I am.

Do any of you have that one recipe that you truly love? You know, that good old fall-back that always tastes great and is easy to make? (If you do, please, please share! I need more recipes like that.)

Well, today I'm going to be sharing my good ole' Santa Fe Soup recipe. Actually, it's not's my mom's, but I stole it and make it WAY too often. This soup just makes my heart happy. It's inexpensive to make, and serves a ton of people (we probably eat it for 3-4 days as leftovers). AND it reheats incredibly well, which is hard to come by in recipe world!

(Excuse the awful night lighting....ah winter, why do you terrorize me with your lack of natural light?) is the what and how for the one and only, my beloved, Santa Fe Soup:

-1 pound ground beef or turkey
-2 cans of pinto beans
-1 can of black beans
-1 can of mexi-corn
-1 taco seasoning packet (I use Old El Paso)
-1 Hidden Valley Ranch seasoning packet


1. Brown ground beef or turkey in a skillet and add taco seasoning to make taco meat. Just follow the instuctions on the back of the packet.
2. In a large saucepan or soup pot, combine the pinto beans, black beans, and mexi-corn and warm at medium heat.
3. Add taco meat to soup mixture.
4. Add ranch packet to soup mixture and stir. It should be pretty thick--in fact, it's more of a chili, but we still call it a soup in my family :).
5. Let simmer 20-30 minutes or longer to let all of the flavors mix. Throw on some shredded cheese or sour cream if you so desire. And you're done! How easy is that?

This soup is best with some good old tortilla chips. I use them as a spoon--they just make it so tasty. Please eat it with tortilla chips. For me. (Yes, I bolded that last sentence. Which should prove to you how important this command request is.)

If you're not a fan of chips, my mom always makes cornbread to go with this soup and that's great as well.

Well, that's about it for today. I can't believe I am posting this recipe. I've been considering it for about a year....but I'm selfish and wanted it for myself :). And be warned--if you know me personally, I call dibs to make this for any event or potluck that I can...just so you know!

Have a great Thursday!

I may be remember to post this at a few link parties, which can be found here. (:


  1. I am totally making this tonight!!! I actually have all of the ingredients at my house. I can't pass it up! I'll let you know how it works out!

  2. That looks delicious, sans ground beef since I'm vegetarian. I think I will make this soon. I love easy quick recipes. My husband loves when I make shephards pie. It's so easy.

  3. Mmm this sounds delicious!! Thanks for sharing!!

  4. That looks yummy! The husband and I have been on this soup kick (since its actually cold outside) and are always looking for new recipes :) Can't wait to try it!!

    Oh and you don't have to tell me twice to eat it with tortilla chips ;) I love them!

  5. Love new soup recipes! This sounds fab:)

  6. Oh this does look great. My mom would love this (:

  7. That sounds really good!! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog and leaving a sweet comment. :)

  8. This may be a really dense questions...but what is mexi-corn? I'm not sure I know what that is, or maybe they don't have it in Oregon?

    This sounds delicious and I must try it soon. Thanks for sharing! :)

  9. This looks delish! Totally trying it this week - thanks for the inspiration! :)


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