
Friday, January 27, 2012

26 Weeks.

How Far Along: 26 Weeks. 14 more to go! (Weird.)
Baby Size: 14 inches long, probably around 2 pounds :)
Total Weight Gain: 18 big ones. Man! It's probably because I've been eating like a man.
Maternity Clothes? *Sigh* I finally gave in and let my mom buy me a pair of maternity jeans. I can still wear all of my normal pants and shirts though with the help of my much loved maternity tanks to cover up/hold it up.
Stretch Marks? Nope.
Sleep: Been sleeping great!
Best moment this week: Getting to watch my belly "pop". I think I've grown a ton in the last few weeks! Also, a stranger asked me when I was due for the first time this week! Pretty exciting.
Miss Anything? Not really. I guess that I miss NOT having my belly be a hand magnet haha. Awk-ward.
Movement: Kicking like crazy still. I'm starting to feel it all day instead of just at night/when I'm still!
Food Cravings: I've had pizza 4 times in the last week and mexican food 5 times.....whoops :). Also, grapes.
Anything making you queasy or sick? Just having an empty stomach. Otherwise, I'm good!
Gender: Still a BOY!
Labor Signs: Heeeeck no.
Belly button in or out? Still an innie, but I've noticed it getting more shallow this week...
Wedding rings on or off? On, and still loose.
Happy or Moody most of the time: Pretty happy lately!
Looking forward to: Getting the nursery done, registering, and starting birth classes in the next few weeks! We get a hospital tour....I'm pretty excited about that!

Have a great weekend! Also....thank you SO much for all of your sweet comments on my Etsy Shop announcement yesterday! I'm very excited and so happy to have such supportive readers!


  1. Could you be any more adorable? These post make me smile, you look amazing! Happy Friday. :)

  2. yay katy! you are so cute! mommy-hood looks good on you :)

  3. So cute ! And lucky to be able to fit in your regular clothes still !

  4. You look so stylish every week. One of the prettiest pregnant women ever for sure. :) Have a great weekend!

  5. OH you look so so cute! Pregnancy is definitely suiting you! I can't wait to feel baby boy kick all the time!! ;)

  6. I'm glad it's still a boy ;) hehe. Look at that darling little bump...I love it! So cute. You are definitely allowed to eat like a man when you are pregnant! happy weekend, Katy!

  7. you are too cute to be 26 weeks preggo!!! hope you have lovely and relaxing weekend :)

  8. Cutest baby bump ever! LOVE your outfit TOO! :)

  9. So cute Katy! He will be here before you know it. Happy weekend.

  10. You are quite possibly the cutest pregnant lady in all the land. :)


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