
Wednesday, January 11, 2012

2012 Home Goals: Part Two

Hello, hello!

Let's talk about Home Goals, shall we? I went over Part One of our 2012 Home Goals on Monday, and now I think I'll go ahead and finish off the list. :)

I think we left off with #5....

6. Sod the backyard....

Have I ever told you that the backyard is my nemesis? No? Okay, well....the backyard is my nemesis.

We put in new flowerbeds last year to compensate for the lack of grass that grew underneath our huge willow trees. Then.....the worst drought on the PLANET happened and killed half of the plants and some more of the existing grass.  So...we need to do something about it. I was hesitant at first, but we've been told that bermuda grass will do just fine in super hot temperatures regardless of when we plant it. We'll also need to re-mulch the beds and put in a few more drought tolerant plants. :) Here's hoping!

7. Spruce up the back patio.

Originally we (Bryan) were going to build a pergola in this space, but decided to hold off until we can get the yard looking somewhat decent. While we may wait and see what happens with that, I would like to get a patio table and chairs (for a super cheap price) to sit outside and have dinner on summer nights. And maybe an outdoor rug. And a few flowerpots. And maybe some other stuff too....I haven't figured too much out just yet. :)

8. Paint the patio door.

I would like to clean this little space up and paint the door to match our front door. I love when things match! It's the OCD....

9. Start over on the guest bedroom.

Excuse the mismatched bedding (the pillows don't even have cases on them) and the uneven paint job. This room used to be the junk room, but has since transformed into the guest bedroom. Well actually, it looks more like a catch-all room right now, but I've got big plans to make it over! It's also where the closet office is located, so I really want to make it new again to match the new office :).

10. Decorate the nursery!!!!

I am SO so pumped about this one, but still very overwhelmed on how to go about it. This will be my little man's room and I want it to be perfect. I've probably thought more about this room than I have any other space in the house. In fact, this weekend Bryan and I are heading to the fabric store (for hopefully the last time) to nail down fabrics for the nursery. I almost started crying the last time I went by myself, so he agreed to come and help. Great husband, right?

And that's it! For now, haha. My brain's always coming up with ideas and then throwing them out two minutes later. We shall see what actually ends up being accomplished this year. :) Have a wonderful Thursday!

It's almost the weekend (doing a little dance at my keyboard)!


  1. I think we can go ahead and blame pregnancy brain for the numbering on this post, right?! :)

  2. I think I'm most excited for the nursery one!!!! :)

  3. OH!!! Thanks Mandy! I just changed it :). And yes, we WILL blame pregancy brain.... hope you are doing well!

  4. We got our patio set from Home Depot...the Martha Stewart line and it is great...and cheap too! It even has cushions! Totally recommend it! And can't wait to see what you do with the nursery!!! :)

  5. Great goals- i'll look forward to watching them unfold!

    xo em

  6. If that big white pillow in your guest room is from TJ Maxx, I am sitting right by an identical one right now :-)

    I have so many goals for my house this year, that I don't even know where to start with my list. Looking forward to see how yours go :-)

  7. I feel as though our home improvement goals are never ending! Just when we finish one project there is always more to do :-) Yay for nursery! Can't wait to see how it turns out! XO

  8. [new reader alert!!]
    my backyard had grass & flowers and is still so blah. cannot wait to see what you do with your big, open space!! and more importantly, THE NURSERY! cannot wait to catch up on your gorgeous blog!

  9. You are a doll! I love your blog. Oh and I tagged you in a post on my blog today :)

  10. Congrats on your lil one!

  11. Ahh... your home is so gorgeous. It will be a long time before I have space like that.

    I wanted to let you know about a new blog FEST about food, style & travel. Come follow along as I document my wardrobe challenge: to not but any clothes in 2012. Eeek!

  12. You can actually blame pregnancy brain for a really long time (small one just turned two the other day :-))

    So glad to see someone else with a long list of goals and redos.

    Happy new follower.


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