
Thursday, December 1, 2011

Working on the Dining Room

I don't think I've ever shared much about our dining room. Actually, I know I haven't. That's mostly because it's definitely not where I want it to be and has been in the process of being redone for oh....that last year.

I should also say that it's really not a dining "room" at all. More like a dining corner. Yeah, that's it: dining corner. It is in the same open room as our living room and kitchen. Which, now that I think about it, I have never shown you our kitchen either. Hmmmm....I will work on that.

Anywho....our living room is definitely the most "done" of the three spaces. Here is a picture from last summer (I need to update this--some of the decor has changed)

I was actually standing right next to our dining table when I took this picture. That's how close they are. And about a foot on the other side of me is our kitchen. Gotta love 1200 square foot houses.

Here is the only picture of the dining room that has ever been on the blog. It was taken the day we moved everything back in after installing the wood floors.

And here's a view of the dining "corner" from the living room.

Yeah, I know. It's changed a lot. Just for fun....let's do a big before and after of the living room...for old time's sake.

Before (last Christmas):



Okay, okay....back to the dining corner.

Since the above picture was taken, I have replaced the table and chairs with a round pedastal table (Craigslist) and ratan chairs from Pier One. I've also hung a few framed prints on the wall. But that's really it. Now, I would really love to add a rug and change the light fixture so it can look as finished as the living room does.

I did some online browsing the other night and came across some great rugs on Overstock that would fit in the dining room and would also match what we have going on in the living room. Here are the contenders:

I really like this one. I think it fits well with the style of the room and looks to be the exact shade of gray that is in our throw pillows.

This one is fun too. The only thing is that we don't have anything that is that dark of a blue in the living room. But I love it. Maybe for the nursery....?

I LOVE persian-looking rugs. My only problem with this one is that it's a lot of gold and beige. Our walls are already goldie-beige. Although....if I (Bryan) painted them, that wouldn't be a problem :). (I ask him this every week. He says no every week.)

Another fun one. Maybe a little too fun. But you have to have a zebra print somewhere in your home, right?

I also really love this one. It's the perfect shade of blue-green-gray. The only problem with it is that if we ever paint the walls....they would probably be in a shade very similar to this. Bummer.

So, what do you think? Have a favorite? Hate them all? (Please don't hate all of them.)

I cannot wait to start working on this!

Bryan and I are heading off to New Mexico this weekend for some much needed time alone. In a cabin. It should be snowing. No cell phones, no internet, no will be PERFECT! And the best part is: we're going for FREE! Holla.

Please pray for safe travels. We're supposed to get freezing rain in Lubbock all day today and tomorrow. So fun.

Have a great weekend!


  1. Your house is beautiful! Would you mind sharing the wall color?

  2. Thank you Alicia! The wall color is Valspar Bread Basket.

  3. Love your blog and i love love love the first rug

  4. I LOVE LOVE LOVE the way you decorated your home!! I may have stalked your blog a million times since discovering it.... like three days ago :)

    We live in a townhome so our setup is similar.... dining room right next to the living room. It's been a challenge hence why its not done!!

    I like the first grey pattern rug. But I can't lie... I really am attracted to the zebra print one. I feel like the colors would go so well with the rest. IDK.

    Can't wait for pics of the rest of your place!

  5. just found your lovely blog :) i like-y what i see!


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