
Friday, December 9, 2011

Babay Babay Babaaaaay Ooooh

That was my best attempt at typing a Justin Beiber song. Sorry if it wasn't very good.

Well, I've been bitten by the baby gear bug. My sister in law told me about this site called Zulily that's basically like Groupon but for baby stuff. (All of you current moms are probably rolling your eyes since this is "old news" but I was pretty excited about it.) Anyways, I became a member two days ago and have already bought three things. Oh. Oops. That's bad.

One of these three things is a diaper bag. Big purchase. Important purchase. Yeah yeah yeah yeah I am so so so excited about it! Like enough to repeat words multiple times. I have been hunting for diaper bags for quite some maybe even before I was pregnant (hangs head in shame). One of my favorite brands is Timi and Leslie....and what do you know? They had their bags on sale the other day! Holla.

Here's what I ended up getting:

It's the Marilyn bag in Cloud Blue. Niiiiice.

It even looks good on a stroller.

I also made a run to TJ Maxx this week to see if they had anything that could potentially go in baby boy's nursery. Ya'll....I don't know what I'm going to do in this room. I honestly have no clue and I suspect that it will take a few mental breakdowns before I figure out what it should look like.

Sidenote: My mother always says that there's a fine line between creativity and insanity. I have found this to be very true throughout my life. I wandered aimlessly through the overstuffed aisles....I came across THIS:

....and bought it. Along with a ceramic apple. We'll see where that ends up.

The table/chest/nightstand is made of a really manly barn board but is still pretty with the distressed mirrors and lines. At least I'm telling myself it's manly....poor little boy. He might have the prettiest bedroom in his playgroup.

I've learned something about myself since we've found out it's a boy: I'm terrible at buying boy-ish things. Terrible. Last week I was trying to get my grandfather-in-law, mother-in-law, and husband to admit that some types of floral fabrics can be manly. Like blue floral fabrics. They all said no. I'm still a little bitter about it.

I grew up in a family of girls and had a dad who could care less about the fact that he wore the same t-shirt three days in a row (and a husband who thinks pretty much the same way). I know nothing about what is stylish for a boy. I know that most of them like blue. That's it. This will truly be a learning experience.

So...for those with little boys; what do you think is stylish but still "manly" enough for a boys nursery?

Talk to you all later!


  1. Argyle!!!!! Can't wait to see what you come up with!! I know it will be fabulous!!

  2. Hounds tooth and/or plaid. gray and white stripes. Khaki walls, Mustard and white striped curtains with brown and white hounds tooth bedskirt, and plaids mixed in for pillows, etc. Ticking for bed sheets is really cute, too. You can do vintage hunting dogs pics for a gallery wall. Check your antique stores for those. I'm seeing it...wish i had this much insight into my daughter's nursery. Due in Feb, and she has NO artwork whatsoever.

  3. Love that bag!! Stylish but practical at the same time.

    It's funny that you talk about patterns because although I am not a parent nor am I pregnant... I hope to be in the next year. So yes, I have already started looking just to see what is out there. All the boy bedding I am attracted too are 'pretty'... not the typical safari, sports, or cars stuff. Although they aren't florally patterns... more circles or stripes. But, truth be told... at that age they won't know much... you will end up changing everything when they get their "big boy" bed. That is what I tell myself at least ;)

    I know your little boy's room will look freaking amazing no matter what. I can't wait to see!! :)

  4. Here is a link to a blog.. she did a boy's nursery. Boys for me are harder. Right now I am remaking over my little boy's room. He is almost 5. His room was his sister's (much older sister) before he was born. Being her room was a blueish color, I left it. It has just been a mish mash of stuff. Finally, it is getting redone. Nothing expensive. Dinosaurs is the theme. He LOVES dinosaurs. I can't wait to see what you come up with. I know it will be great.. as your house is just beautiful!

  5. in looooooooooooove with your diaper bag. so fetch.

    gave you the Versatile Blogger Award over at funwiththefullwoods :). Hope all is well with you and baby!

  6. Have you heard of or They are my weakness! I'm always ordering stuff that I shouldn't be because the deals are so great!

    And there's no shame in having delicate accents in a boys nursery! He won't mind, I promise! ;)

    But then again, this is coming from a person who bought a pink diaper bag the second they found out they were pregnant (hey it was Juicy on sale!) and caught fire from everyone and anyone who suspected I was having a boy. I ended up having a girl but I would have rocked a pink diaper bag with a boy!

  7. I just came across your blog from a link on Pintrest (the hairbows you made are PERFECT and EASY!!! And I am making a zillion of them for my little girl BTW). I have three little boys also and having been raised with three sisters, the boy thing was daunting. I went with the cute pale blue plaids and stripes for the nursery. When my boys were older I went with a brighter colored car/truck theme. It's is fun, just different from what I was used to. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  8. The dress is great!! I think it's a perfect mix of manly with a little sparkle=). I'm sure it will look great in a little boy's room

  9. Fathers may resist carrying a pink polka-dot bag, and there are many stylish, neutral choices available to suit both parents.


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