
Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Just a little announcement.....

BAM. Did I suprise you? I think I did.

Yes, that's right! Despite my little blogging hiatus (was that 7 or 8 weeks?), I thought I should finally come back to tell you all a little something.

We are VERY excited to announce that our "special delivery" will be arriving on or around May 5, 2012!

Bryan and I feel so completely blessed. There are no words to describe how happy we are about this new addition to our family. I cannot wait to meet this little one!!! He or she will be very loved.

Please pray for a safe pregnancy and a happy, healthy baby! Thank you in advance, friends!

P.S.I'm not making any promises, but I'm going to try and post at least a few times a week. This break from blogging has been very refreshing (and much needed since I spent 99% of the time sleeping), but now I want to come back and document my pregnancy and the life of our precious little one!


  1. Congrats and can't wait to follow you on this new journey!

  2. Congratulations! What a happy announcement! This may come across a bit creepy, but I've missed your posts and have been thinking of you. Glad to hear all is well. Blessings!

  3. Yay!!! So excited to hear this WONDERFUL news. And I have been wondering what happened to you, so it's great to get such a happy update! I look forward to seeing your cute little belly and reading about your pregnancy... keep in touch!!! :)

  4. My goodness, congratulations! This day is filled whith happy messages, you are the second one that announces she is pregnant today, haha :) I wish you all the best =) x

  5. Congrats, I cannot wait to see you put together a nursery!!

  6. Just heard you made an announcement today too, we're due 2 days apart :) Congrats!!

  7. Congrats! It will be a experience you will love and hate... as a mom with 2 toddler boys it is always interesting, but rewarding at the same time! Wishing you a safe and healthy pregnancy!

    Tiffany {living savvy}

  8. so exciting!! Congrats girly!!

    Now you have ALL the reason to blog lol..

  9. Congratulations! How exciting! Here's wishing you a safe and healthy delivery! xoxoxoo

  10. Aww, congrats!! Such a happy and exciting time!!!!

  11. Oh how exciting! Congratulations!!! :)

  12. So glad you're back! Can't wait to follow along with your pregnancy adventures! Thinking happy thoughts for you! :)

  13. Bee & I are so excited for you & Bryan! You'll be wonderful parents & yes your baby will be Very Loved!!

  14. Uncle Charles and I are thrilled for you and Bryan & Louie too!!!

  15. Uncle Charles and I are thrilled for you and Bryan & Louie too!!!


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