
Friday, August 5, 2011

Recipe: Lemon Cake Cookies

I have always loved anything lemon flavored. These little guys remind me of my days at Vacation Bible School (a.k.a the best place on earth for a kid), when we were spoiled at snack time with watered-down pink lemonade, fruit punch, iced oatmeal cookies, and the one and only: iced lemon cookies. All off-brand of course. Unfortunately, these little bites of heaven aren't sold anywhere nowadays (I've looked....a lot), so when I heard of this recipe, I just had to try it.

I had to tweak it a little because they just weren't lemon-y enough for me. Here's my version:


-1 box of lemon flavored cake mix
-1 egg
-1 tub of Cool Whip
-1 TSP of lemon extract (this is optional)
-1/2 cup powdered sugar

Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Beat the cake mix, egg, Cool Whip, and lemon extract until mixed. Dough should be sticky and thick. Lay parchment or wax paper on baking sheet. Roll tablespoon sized pieces of dough in a bowl of powdered sugar, until they are no longer sticky and form a little ball. Place on baking sheet. Bake 9-12 minutes. Eat. All of them.

I need more recipes. Anyone heard of any good ones lately?

P.S. I have just updated my reading lists and "Featured" button on the blog. Check it out!

P.S. Chances are, I'm linking this post to a couple of link parties which can be found HERE. Check them out!


  1. ahhhhhh im making these soon! i just bought all the stuff today...funny you posted this now wooo vbs cookies and koolaid!

  2. I am a sucker for anything lemon and these look absolutely delicious!! Thanks for sharing :) Enjoy what's left of the weekend!

  3. Wow- these cookies look great! And I absolutely love recipes with only a few ingredients! Thanks! :) Thank you so much for adding me to your blog roll. I am off to add yours to my blog. :)

  4. Love the cookies but where did you get your nice white plate?

  5. Thanks Amber!! I am so happy and really appreciate that :).

    And Jamie, I got the white plate at TJ Maxx!

  6. I bought the stuff this weekend to make this exact recipe!

  7. Katie, I made this Saturday night. Its one of Kanyon and I's favorites -

    Of course, its PW so it has to be great. Its called Comfort Meatballs in her cookbook, though, not BBQ meatballs. I like the Comfort name better.. do you have her cookbook?

  8. Erika--those looks amazing! I will have to make them sometime--maybe this week! I have all of the ingredients except for oats.

    I have several of PW's recipes pinned on my Pinterest, I hear they're all great! No, I don't have her cookbook--I didn't even know she had one! Maybe I should get it...

  9. These sound amazing and easy. I really love lemon!

    Stop by and link up at What’s Cooking Wednesday!

  10. Strawberry cake mix makes awesome cookies, too! (Just don't add the lemon extract!!)

    Thanks for sharing!!

    Hugs ~~ Suz

  11. I did this using a strawberry cake mix..... oh sooo sweet and deeeelicious!!!!


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