
Thursday, August 18, 2011

DIY Matte Boards

Hi friends. Hope everyone has had a wonderful week so far. It's blowing my mind that it's already Thursday--things have been super crazy around here!

I recently purchased these amazing vintage botanical prints from Ebay with the hopes of framing and hanging them in our bedroom. I was pretty happy to buy all of the frames at Michael's with a 50% off coupon and quickly began my quest for the perfect matte boards. That search came to a screeching halt however when I realized that the prints sizes were 6.75"x9". Apparently, you can't buy pre-made matte boards in that particular size. Annoying. On top of that, I found out that custom-made matte boards from good old Hobby Lobby were $20. Each. Also annoying.

Since I'm seriously cheap, I set out to find a way to make custom matte boards on my own. After briefly considering white card stock, I decided that I wanted to use something a bit more substantial. And then I came across the one and only Foam Sheet. Fifty cents at Hobby Lobby. Holla!

Here is the final product:

Now, this isn't rocket science, but I figured I would fill you all in on a much more affordable way to make a custom matte board if the need arises.

First, go to your local craft store and grab a few large foam sheets.

Next, grab your husband and have him first measure the size of your frame (and cut the foam sheet accordingly), and then measure the size of the print (and again, cut accordingly). Take lots of pictures and make him mad.

Assemble everything like you normally would and out! Prepare to be amazed at how great your masterpiece looks.

Just the right amount of depth and texture. I honestly can't tell that my "custom matte boards" are really foam sheets. Can you?

Don't forget to enter the Giveaway! Last day, friends. Get it while you can.

P.S. I'll probably link this post to a couple of link parties which can be found HERE. Check them out!



  1. Your ideas are so incredible. I was always wondering what kind of material to use to make my own matte boards because I think they are expensive as well. Thanks for sharing...Im going to have to try this out. Have a happy weekend!

  2. Oh my gosh! This could not have come at a better time! The boyfriend and I bought an amazing map of Boston from the 1700s (we live just outside the city) and I haven't been able to find a frame with the right size matte (without having to custom order it)! Thank you so much!

    I am wondering though... What did your husband use to cut the foam board? An exacto knife? Or something else? I can't wait to try this on my own!

  3. Thanks everyone! Sara, he used a razor blade, but an exacto knife would work great as well!

  4. Great job! I love how they turned out!


  5. What a fantastic idea! Your matted prints look gorgeous...and I love the rich tones of those frames!

  6. They look outstanding!!!! Stop by and enter my current giveaway…it’s a $40 Pottery Barn gift card plus a coastal goodie!


  7. This is fantastic and it looks really professional!

  8. Very good job! I have always been amazed at the cost of a decent mat. I found something else to do with the dollar store mat boards; I had made a sale on EBay of a large print - smaller than foam board, but big ... and then I couldn't figure out how to mail it to the buyer; well, I placed it between 2 foam boards, sealed the edges with serious tape, and put the address on it ~ and it arrived in perfect condition. Handy, huh?

  9. <3 this idea I must try it out! Now to find the perfect prints.

  10. wow. neat. ill go grab some and try now. mat boards are so exp.


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