
Sunday, July 24, 2011

Two Years.

Happy Anniversary to my best friend in the whole world. I still remember seeing you that first day of youth group (about 10 years ago) and casually thinking to my 13-year-old self, "Well, if I could marry anyone in this room, it would be him", haha! Little did I know that this simple and silly thought would actually come true! I am so thankful that God chose you for me! You are the most genuine and caring person that I know and I have loved being your wife these past two years. May our future together be filled with sweet memories, random adventures, never-ending laughter, and lots of babies.
 Love you so much.

Okay, done with the mushy. Have a great week!


  1. umm seriously, you have to have been the most beautiful bride ever!!!!
    xo em

  2. such a beautiful couple, the joy on your faces is so eminent :). Our 1st anniversary was on Friday. It was a good weekend for weddings!!

  3. Lot's of babies huh??? hehe, when you going to start on that???

  4. Thank you so much everyone! Ya'll are so sweet and we are truly blessed!

    Kaitlin--not for a while! That's still a ways down the road! Hope you're doing well!


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