
Monday, July 18, 2011

The Random Post

Alright friends, bear with me. I am days short of getting a new battery for my computer and have so many things to post about once I get it, it's unreal. I can't wait! Until then, you will have to deal with short, sporadic posts at very inconsistent here we go:

First, you should read this. I know that everyone will appreciate this, especially teachers.

Secondly, we are done decorating our bedroom!! Painted, new bedding, new wall art, heck we even hung curtains around the windows for the first time ever! Big, big deal. Can't wait to share pictures!

As a reminder, here is one of our very beige "Before" pictures:

And the original inspiration board I made to change the room:

This has been a long time coming. Like a year. A very long year. But it's done! Well actually, it's almost done, there is still one more little DIY project I want to do, but we're done for now. More on that later.

(Here is the original post and "Before" pictures if you are interested.)

The next big project will be finishing the craft room. As you can see here, it has been cleaned out, but that's about it. I have SO many ideas for this room and can't wait to get it done so I can tackle some fun projects like this:

What a cute bracelet!

That scarf looks super easy to make.

And I'm planning on making a "wrapping station"...yo yo yo. Sorry, had to do it.

I also have many ideas for cute jewelry. Oh the fun I will have.

Also, if you haven't seen the latest (and last) Harry Potter movie, you need to. Uh-maz-ing. I might have cried. Only because I am a ridiculously huge nerd. Ah, oh well.

That's it for today!

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