
Friday, July 8, 2011


Hello. My name is Katy, and I just took a week and a half long hiatus from blogging. Baaaaaad Katy.

Where have I been, you ask? Well, let me show you.

Every summer, since I was 7, my family has made the trip to my aunt and uncle's beach house in Galveston. It is my most favorite place in the world because of all the fun we get to have together. It's the closest thing we do to a family reunion, and since we all live all over the country, it is a very special time for each of us.

It's my favorite week of the year. I love it more than Christmas (which is saying  a lot since I'm a sucker for Christmas). Get ready for a ton of makeup-less pictures....

Going out on the jet ski is a favorite of ours.

My Papaw watching from the porch.

We sleep A LOT. Especially Bryan. My husband could win an award for how many naps he snuck in this year.

And of course, we make a few trips to the beach.

Mexican Domino's is a huge tradition in our family. Hands down, favorite game. And we play every night (and I lose every night).

This year, we substituted our usual trip to Schlitterbahn with one to Moody Gardens. We went to the rainforest. It was hot. And humid. But really fun!

I have no clue who this kid is, but the otter was following cute!

We eat homemade ice cream (Bryan could also win an award for how much ice cream he eats)...

And we even made an hour drive to see our favorite niece and Bryan's family. Here is Nana and Hensley:
(Grumpy baby....cute bow!)

Sweeeeet sleeping baby:

Some of the best sunsets I've ever seen.

 Another tradition is our annual trip to The Strand, which is basically a street in downtown Galveston with a ton of good food and cute boutiques.

Love that liquor sign. HA.

 I found this Christmas ornament in one of my favorite shops. It was made for me!

Bryan and I after some great mexican food. We took about 20 of these before we got one that he didn't blink in :).

We also got a chance to go out on my uncle's boat. This is Laura's sassy face.

I love my Nanny. Here she is laughing with her sister, Jackie. Our 2nd and 3rd cousins always come down from Houston for the 4th of July.

My dad and Pawpaw making THE best meal of the year. Fried catfish and hush puppies.

 We like to drive around on the Mule. It's much better than a car, in my opinion. Disregard creeper Bryan.

This is one of the houses on their street. It has always been this way. Now that's dedicated.

Sadly, there was a fire ban this year so we couldn't shoot we found other forms of entertainment, like learning to ride my sister Laura's long board. I actually loved it! I know, that's a huge suprise.

Julie had an...interesting time learning how to ride it. Let's just say that she stayed on the ground for the rest of the night.

It's all about the small victories in life. Oh, and Julie is not wearing pants, but she IS wearing a bathing suit. Still appropriate.

Heaven on earth. And my Papaw grows these tomatoes every year. Another tradtion--probably one of my favorites. We eat them as a side--that's how good they are.

I found that Laura is making this face in about 30 pictures.



Um, I think that my Aunt Kathy has about 1,542 sand dollars around the beach house. Here are a few recent finds.

Had to get a flag picture. Happy Fourth of July!

My Dad!!

Papaw and Bryan.

I didn't notice Cindy's face until I uploaded this. Typical.

And we fish. Well, I didn't this year, but I have before.

The best Mom in the world and my baby sister.

I already miss it. Can't wait for next year!

So, that's a little peek into my life. I know you thoroughly enjoyed it.

I should also let you know that my computer has been having issues...again. I'm trying to get them sorted out, but I can't promise anything. I'm actually blogging at my office right now. Alone. We get off at 12 on Fridays....

Have a great weekend!


  1. Hi Katy,

    You trip looked wonderful...and by gosh those are the best looking tomatoes I have ever seen! My computer has been acting strange as well...that's a headache for a blogger. Good luck and I hope it gets fixed soon:)

  2. Uhhhh, ya I wouldn't have blogged either! Looks like SUCH a blast, and is the little Hensley baby yours?! SHE is ADORABLE!!!


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