
Friday, June 3, 2011


Hi everyone!

We are out and about visiting our family in Louisiana. I am love being able to spend time with our family again--this is a treat since we live so far away!

We've done a whole lot of nothing today, and it has been perfect! Here are a few pictures of our trip thus far:

Hensley getting a bath....

Hensley getting dressed....

Abby and her new cat, Sammie.

Hensley falling asleep (under her aunt's watchful eye)...

Bryan meeting his niece for the first time!

Big yawn!

Love those blue eyes! And she's wearing one of my bows :)

Fun in the pool:

As you can see, our niece kind of steals the show, but I think we're all okay with that :). I'll be here until Sunday, but I'll be back with more pictures AND some of our new master bathroom next week!

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