
Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Love Vignettes.

Do you know what a vignette is? Well, I didn't until a couple of months ago. Apparently, it's the term used to describe a cluster of decorations in your home. Nice that it has a name, huh?

Anyway, I've been slaving away the past couple of days putting together a few fun vignettes in our home. This was extremely hard for me because I cannot stand at all, but I really wanted to not have things looking so bare, so I had to give in and try it!

I finally finished the bathroom tonight (!!), but since I'm saving that post for a later date, I thought I'd share only a little piece of what we've been working so hard on:

Soooooo pretty. I really tried to be practical when I was decorating the bathroom. Everything that I use on a daily basis but keep in drawers always, without a doubt, ends up strewn all over the counter (and floor), so I did my best to give everything a pretty place on the counter itself instead.

The glass jar, recycled glass cup, and white platter are all from TJ Maxx, the silver leaf tin is an antique find, and the vase (with the pretty hydrangea in it) is from World Market.

I'm currently working on "finishing" our living room a little more, so one of the first areas I had to tackle was the very awkward corner with the dresser I refinished in January. Up until today it was completely bare, but I've made sure to change that! I should probably mention that I've changed it more since this picture was taken (and added wall art), but I wanted to share a few pictures anyway.

I've been on a Goodwill kick this week. All of the books are from there ($1 each), as well as the silver tray ($2).

I got the lamp on super sale a few months ago at TJ Maxx...$14, and I still have no clue how or why it was marked that low! The birds, apothecary jar, and apples are also from TJ Maxx. (thinking to myself..."I obviously shop at TJ Maxx too much....ah, oh well") We used the apothecary jar for the candy bar in our wedding. Good times! My mother-in-law gave me the milk glass vase, and I am seriously obsessed with the little succulent I planted in it earlier this week!

The last vignette I have to show you is on our living room coffee table:

Well, I'm hesitant to say where it's all from, because the answer to that would be...TJ Maxx. Kidding. Kinda. The vases and little glass bottles are from there but I found the gold tray and books at Goodwill. I love looking in the books to see when they were published. I'm a nerd like that. The oldest book I bought this week was published in 1925. It's a textbook from North Dallas High School called "Elementary Economics". Love it. It's sitting on top right underneath the little bottles.

I went and bought fresh flowers for the first time ever today and I'm pretty positive I will be keeping this up. Hydrangeas are my favorite flower and 3 stems were only $7 at Marketstreet. I just couldn't pass it up!

Love, love, love.

So, I hope you didn't get too bored looking at all of my little decorations! I also have HUGE news to tell you rained today!!

So exciting. I sent up many "thank you" prayers during the very random storm. Even though Bryan and I don't farm, I know many that do, and I'm sure that the rain today helped a little. It helped my flowers too! They were barely hanging on and haven't grown much in the last month (and we've been watering everyday, agh).

Happy weekend!!

I am sharing this HERE.


  1. Love your vignettes! You have done a beautiful job creating these designs. Happy weekend.

  2. I love vignettes! It's like the possibilities are endless of what you can do with little clusters of things! ha ha

  3. I love your style! The accessories are all so pretty. Hydrangeas are my favorite too!

  4. I love the vignettes you're creating, they look great & are so interesting!So much talent!! love you!

  5. These are sooo pretty!! I love all the ideas! Thanks so much for linking up to Think Pink Sundays! I've featured this on FB and Twitter today! :)

  6. Such cute little fresh vignettes! I love hydrangeas too. I wish I had the energy to keep up with having fresh flowers in the house all the time! Everything looks great, keep up the good work.

  7. I love your blog! So fresh and fun!

  8. I am in love with your blog! Your decorating style is beautiful and what's even better is that a majority of your pieces come from stores that are not outrageously expensive! Thank you for sharing!


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