
Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Fashion Sense.

My thought of the day:

I really need to be more creative with my outfits. Silly, I know. But I'm in a slump. I head to work everyday and usually just throw on whatever I see in the closet that's clean (somewhat, ha) and unwrinkled.

I didn't used to be like this... am I really already starting to "let-go" at 23? I sure as heck hope not! I won't let it happen, which is why I'm now in the process of trying to be more creative with what I wear. Especially to work. Looking "stylish" in a business environment is not exactly the easiest thing in the world (I'm still very used to "college girl" clothes), but I'm bound and determined to do it!

Of course, Pinterest has played a huge role as my main source of inspiration. Here are some of my favorite outfits that I've seen lately:

Source: via Katy on Pinterest

Source: None via Katy on Pinterest

Of course, I've also been kind of obsessed with fashion blogs lately. Some of my favorites are The Daybook, Cupcakes and Cashmere, Could I Have That, and Kendi Everyday. Great, great inspiration. And most of them buy a lot of things thrifted which in turn spurred on my very first shopping trip to Goodwill (a little scary and gross but in the end: very good results). More on that later.

So...that's that. Sorry to my dad and father-in-law for having to read through this post. You probably gave up at the words "being more creative with my outfits", but if you made it through, I am very impressed (and you were very bored). Although...I know my dad will appreciate the Goodwill comment. I have never seen a bigger bargain-lover in my life. Go Dad!


  1. Those are all gorgeous! Thanks for sharing them with us and linking their sources.
    I especially love the yellow sweater and striped top with the black skirt. Beautiful!
    Have a good day!

  2. I think you should take pictures of your work outfits everyday as part of your new mission :) I feel like I dress quite boring most days at work and I like seeing what my (stylish!)friends are wearing more than random strangers online. haha

  3. They are ALL so cute! I like the first one the best. Super cute!

  4. Very true, Mandy! I was actually reading about this challenge where you take 30 pieces of clothing you already own and make 30 outfits out of it...I'm thinking about doing it for the blog, but I can't get over the fact that I would have to be in the pictures haha. As you can tell, I'm not a fan of being in pictures on my blog! We'll see...

  5. Being creative with our clothes can be so intimidating at first but definitely very liberating!

    These ladies sure are a great inspiration source :)

    Thrifting is a great way to experiment too, I just recently started and am totally hooked!

    Virginie ♥


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