
Friday, April 1, 2011


Merry Friday to everyone reading this! I LOVE Fridays. And do you know what makes this Friday even more special? It's the fact that our home is being featured on another blog!!

I was beyond flattered when Samantha from Two Become One offered to post a few pictures of our little house for the world to see! So....head on over there and check it out. Also, take a moment to browse Samantha's blog (and become a follower!)--I love keeping up with her life and house projects and you will too!!

Two Become One

On another note, I'm thinking of changing the way I do things here on the blog. More details to come. Get excited!

Have a great, safe, and happy weekend! Enjoy the warm weather!


  1. I just found your blog from two become one. Your home is beautiful, as was your wedding. I am a new follower.

  2. Thank you so much! I am very happy you are following me!

  3. Katy that is soo cool you got featured in her blog. I checked it out and it felt like you were a Lubbock celebrity!

  4. Haha thanks Rynn!! I thought it was cool too :).


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