
Friday, March 18, 2011

The Yard: Part One


After a VERY tiring day for every person involved, I am happy (and relieved) to say that we finished making and lining the flowerbeds in the back yard!

The day started at about 1pm and looked a lot like this:

Lots and LOTS of dirt...and not much else. We made the lines for the beds...

 And headed off to the nursery to get some soil. (And we might have gotten distracted by the pretty flowers)

Mom made a new best friend....

And me, dad, and Bryan unloaded 3,000 pounds of soil. Yes. Three THOUSAND. It was every bit as awful as it sounds, but we got it done!

Then we watered and tilled everything, like 5 times.

And stopped for a lemonade break (which was very much needed by about 6pm)

Mom bonded with her new "toy" as she called it--the tiller. Like seriously, she LOVED tilling.

And I spread all 3,000 pounds of soil around the newly lined beds! (signal the Hallelujah Chorus)

Thank goodness that part is over!

We finished the bed on the other side of the yard too, but it was too dark to take pictures by that time so you'll just have to wait!

After a very long, dirty, sweaty, and pretty hot day we made a quick trip to Lujan's to eat a late dinner and now I am so exhausted I can barely type. Hopefully next time I post there will be some pretty flowers in these beds!

1 comment:

  1. Wow, great job! I can only imagine how many aching backs your family woke up to this morning! Look forward to seeing your pretty flowers, too! *Becca*


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